Page 54 of Watching Henry
Florence swallowed, took a breath, then let her hand flow back down to the waist-band of Hadley's underwear.
And again she lost her nerve. Her fingers were trembling, her heart was beating out of her chest. “I, uh, I've never done this before,” she admitted, very, very quietly.
Hadley lifted her chin with one finger so that they were eye to eye. “You don't have to do anything. There are no requirements here.”
“No!” said Florence, quickly. “I want to. I just, I want you to know that I've never done this before, that I've got no damn idea what I'm doing.”
“I like this new, sweary Florence,” Hadley grinned. “Touch me the way you'd touch yourself. That's all you need to do.”
Florence nodded, took another breath, and let her fingers creep below the elastic of Hadley's underwear.
Hair, thick and wiry greeted her touch. She took another breath and moved further. Then she felt it. Wetness and smooth, silkiness. Her heart pounded, her insides melted all over again and suddenly she was on the brink of coming again just from the idea that she'd done this, that she'd made Hadley this wet.
“Touch me,” groaned Hadley. “Please.”
Obediently, Florence allowed her fingers to move, thinking carefully about what she liked, about how to choreograph this.
Slow, wide circles came first until she felt Hadley's hips moving under her hand. She pressed harder, focusing the circles more on the swelling hardness she could feel until Hadley was pushing hard up against her.
“Faster,” gasped Hadley.
Florence obeyed, her breath coming faster even as Hadley's did.
Hadley pushed further against her, every nerve and atom of her trembling and then there was a millisecond where nothing moved.
Everything was still. Everything was silent. The world stopped just for that instant.
And then Hadley was thrusting against her and crying out and Florence had to hold her up as she shook and gasped her way through her climax.
For a minute or two or ten they stood there, entangled together, the refrigerator holding them both upright. Florence wanted to wonder what she'd done, wanted to analyze this and pull it apart and think. But she couldn't. She just couldn't.
All her senses were filled with Hadley and in that moment it was all that was right with the world.
Then Hadley was pulling away, shifting her, taking her hand, pulling her a step or two over and yanking out a kitchen chair.
“Sit,” Hadley said.
Florence frowned. “Why?”
Hadley sighed and in one lightning-fast movement stooped, slid her hands up Florence's thighs, grasped her underwear, and pulled them straight down. “Now sit.”
Florence was backed against the edge of the seat and had no choice but to sit. Then Hadley was kneeling, parting her thighs, her blonde curls rubbing against the soft inner skin there and Florence was about ready to lose her nerve yet again as Hadley inhaled her scent and moved closer.
“Again?” Florence asked, trying to sound light, not at all sure that she could do things this way.
“Say stop and I'll stop,” Hadley said.
Florence gulped, but said nothing.
Hadley smirked again. “In that case, let me be clear. You might be the authoritative one, but you're not the boss of me.”
“Mm-hmm,” said Florence, feeling Hadley's breath on her center as the words left her mouth. She was quaking, already flooding her seat with wetness that trickled onto her thighs.
“And if this is your first time, there are some things that you definitely need to experience.”
“Mm-hmm,” Florence squeaked as Hadley's lips drew nearer.
“Trust me,” Hadley said.