Page 11 of Loving Jemima
“I thought you were attached,” Jem said.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t look,” grinned Rolly. “Come on, drink up, let’s get out of here.”
Chapter Five
Mo had somehow found a feather boa that was draped over their shoulders and Carys was glued to her phone studying the karaoke list. Ellie tried to relax, she honestly did. She deserved this, this was a celebration. Except every time she tried to enjoy herself she thought about the massive amount of work that this party was going to take.
“Chillax,” Mo said.
“Not a word,” said Carys. She looked up at Ellie. “But they’ve got a point. You could sort of… let loose a bit?” She held out her phone. “Want to karaoke with me?”
“Other than sticking a fork in my eye, I can’t think of anything that I’d like to do less,” Ellie said. Then she relented slightly. “But thank you for asking.”
“I’ll do it,” Mo said, beckoning for the phone. Carys handed it to him. “I’m thinking Olivia Rodrigo or Dua Lipa.”
“You know, that boa makes you look pretty queer,” Carys teased.
“I know, isn’t it great?” beamed Mo.
Ellie laughed. “At least the two of you look like you’re having fun.”
“That’s because we actually know how to have fun,” said Carys. “Unlike you. Honestly, El, you could at least pretend that you’re liking this.”
“I know how to have fun,” Ellie protested, letting Mo twine thefeather boa around her neck. To be fair, she did. It was just that her kind of fun involved a book, a couch, and on the odd night perhaps a glass of wine.
Carys just rolled her eyes. “You’re not ancient yet. You need to get out more. How else will you meet people?”
“I have people! I have you, Mo, Paul from next door.”
“People from outside your comfort zone, I meant,” said Carys.
“People to date is what you meant,” said Ellie.
Carys sighed. “Right, fine, yes. But we’ve already dated and it didn’t work out, you’re not interested in Paul due to him being a him, and I’m pretty sure Mo’s not into you.”
“Nope,” Mo said automatically. Then they looked up from the phone looking guilty. “I mean, I’m sorry, El, you’re just not my type and, well, you’re my boss and I don’t know, it feels—”
“It’s fine,” Ellie interrupted before they could spiral any further. “I’m not interested in you either.”
“Hey! You started it,” she said.
Mo grinned. “I suppose I did.”
Ellie drank down the rest of her sweet cocktail and put down the glass. “And that’s me done,” she said. “You’re right, I’m bringing the party down. This just isn’t my scene, I’m sorry. But I do appreciate the effort and you two should stay here. I’ll be fine getting back by myself.”
“No,” Carys said. And she looked quite bereft. She ran her hands through her short, spiky hair. “One more drink,” she pleaded. “You haven’t even heard me and Mo sing yet.”
Mo put on their puppy dog eyes. Ellie shook her head but started to smile despite herself.
“Fine, one more drink. But I’m going to the bar to get it myself. You two make your song choices, I don’t have all night. Constable needs feeding, you know.”
She began pushing her way to the bar, making it about half way before she stood on someone’s foot.
“Oh god, sorry,” she said, turning around to find a large man with merry dimples wincing. “Absolute accident, so sorry.”
“It’s alright,” he said. “No real harm done.”