Page 98 of Loving Jemima
“Here,” Jem said, handing Ellie a glass of champagne. “And I know, you don’t drink when you’re working, but frankly, this hasn’t exactly been a normal work day, has it?”
Ellie took the glass and took a small sip. “Not exactly,” she said as Jem sat down next to her at the table.
Alistair Darlington was in the middle of his speech and the room was politely paying attention to him. The band would come on after the speech and then the party would be winding down. It would finally be over.
“El, I have to tell you something.”
“I remember,” Ellie said, taking another sip. “But—”
“No, no buts. I need to get this out or I’m going to burst,” Jem said. “It’s right now, we’re doing this now, here, like this, however inappropriate it might be.” She took a deep breath, she was really going to do this. “I love you.”
Ellie’s cheeks turned a faint shade of pink and she smiled. “I know.”
“That… that’s it?” Jem said, sinking back into her chair in relief. “No arguments, no panic attacks, nothing?”
“Would you like me to have a panic attack?” Ellie asked.
“No, of course not.”
“Then that’s it,” Ellie said. “Other than to say I love you too.”
“Right,” Jem said, not sure what was supposed to come next.
Ellie turned to her and smiled. “It doesn’t have to be momentous to be a moment, you know?” she said quietly. “I mean, we could make long speeches and all, but why? You show me that you love me every day in every little thing that you do for me, I don’t know why I ever doubted that. And that’s all love is, a collection of tiny actions that add up to something so huge I don’t know how to describe it with words.”
Jem reached out and touched her hand. “I don’t want to overwhelm you with things. I don’t want you to panic. But I do want you to know that I’m here and that I love you with all of my heart and I don’t care who knows it.”
There was a smattering of applause and Alistair Darlington raised his voice to speak over it. “And finally, of course, I’d like to thank the organizers of this wonderful event. My daughter, Jemima, who many of you will know. And Ellie Baker, party planner extraordinaire and Jem’s wonderful life partner.”
Both Ellie and Jem stared open-mouthed as they received a polite round of applause.
“Did he just…” Ellie said.
“Uh-huh,” said Jem.
“Then I guess we really are official, huh?”
“Well, if Pa says we are, we really have to be, he doesn’t take dissent well.”
The band came on stage and music started to play. Jem put her hand in Ellie’s. “I never would have thought my life could turn out like this,” she said.
“No regrets?” Ellie asked.
“Not one,” said Jem. She stood, pulling Ellie up by the hand. “What about you? I mean, your life has changed pretty dramatically too. You’ve got a new flat with a swanky address, you’re going to have tons of new business, oh, and you’ve got a beautiful life partner to boot.”
“Not regrets,” Ellie said, looking into china blue eyes.
“In that case, would my life partner care to dance?” asked Jem.
Ellie hesitated for a second. “That depends. Does this mean I can finally move into your bedroom?”
Jem laughed. “I’d say so,” she said, as she pulled Ellie onto the dance floor.
Rosie’s baby was born perfectly healthy and immediately named Jessica Jemima, which Rosie said was Jasper’s idea, though the rest of the family had their doubts. Six months after JJ, as she was affectionately known, was born, Rosie left Jasper and went back to her parents’ home.
Jasper, who was besotted with JJ from day one, was devastated at the loss of his daughter. After a rocky start, he pulled himself together and eventually persuaded Rosie to come home. He insists that he’s a work in progress, and Rosie is convinced he’s trying hard to change.