Page 26 of Stalker
"Speaking of studying," I say out of nowhere.
"Nobody was talking about—" June begins.
"Speaking of studying," I say louder, more firmly "I want to know how's everyone doing with Stardrive Theory?"
I tap my compad against the table. "Those equations for relativistic mass conversion are killing me."
"Don't remind me." Eve groans. "I still can't wrap my head around the Alcubierre metrics."
June perks up. "I could assist. My comprehension of theoretical physics is quite advanced."
"Study group at my place next week?" I scroll through my calendar. "Tuesday evening?"
"Perfect." Eve raises her coffee cup. "To passing midterms and not dying of stress."
We part ways with quick hugs and promises to bring snacks to the study session. The hover taxi whisks me across the station to Dad's favorite cafe. The scent of real coffee and fresh-baked bread wafts through the air as I approach.
Dad stands when he sees me, his gray eyes crinkling at the corners. His embrace is warm and familiar, smelling of his favorite cologne and starched uniform.
"There's my girl." He holds me at arm's length. "You look more beautiful every time I see you."
"Dad, stop." But I can't help smiling. "You saw me last week."
"And you've grown lovelier since then." He pulls out my chair. "How are your studies going? Still top of your class?"
"Working on it." The waiter approaches with menus. "Though sometimes I think the professors are trying to melt our brains with all these theoretical calculations."
Dad's eyes sparkle with pride. "You're brilliant, sweetheart. Those exams don't stand a chance against that mind of yours."
The compliment warms me even as guilt twists in my stomach. "Thanks, Dad."
"So..." He stirs his coffee, trying to sound casual. "Anyone special in your life these days?"
My cheeks heat. The lie tastes bitter on my tongue, but I force a laugh. "Between quantum mechanics and warp field dynamics? Not likely. Who has time for dating?"
"That's my girl." His relief is palpable as he reaches across to pat my hand. "Though you know, to me you'll always be that little girl in pigtails, running around the command deck with your toy starship."
The memory makes me smile despite myself. I remember those days - following him around like a shadow, pestering the crew with endless questions about how everything worked. He never once told me to stop or stay quiet.
"Dad..." My throat tightens with emotion.
"I know, I know." He chuckles. "You're all grown up now. But fathers are allowed their delusions."
Looking at him across the table, his uniform crisp and perfect as always, I'm struck by how lucky I am. Other military brats barely saw their parents, but Dad always made time for me. Even now, with all his responsibilities, he never misses our weekly lunch.
The guilt about Bruticus gnaws harder. But I push it away, focusing instead on Dad's warm smile and the love shining in his eyes.
The peaceful moment shatters as red wine splashes across Dad's face and uniform. The crimson liquid drips down his shocked features like blood.
The shriek pierces my ears as an elderly woman looms over our table, her empty wine glass trembling in her cybernetic hand. The metal appendage whirs and clicks with her violent movements.
"Security!" A waiter rushes forward. "Someone call security!"
My heart pounds as I take in the woman's appearance. Angry red scars crisscross what remains of her natural flesh. The leftside of her face is entirely synthetic, the metallic plating dulled with age. Her organic eye burns with a hatred so intense it makes me recoil.
"He should die! Like my family died!" She lunges forward despite the staff trying to hold her back. "Do you know what he did? Do you know what kind of monster he is?"