Page 59 of Stalker
He stops in front of Vorpa. Her golden eyes blaze with defiance even as her paralyzed body betrays her.
Dad's fingers trail down her jaw. "This one first, I think. The sister can watch and learn what happens to those who defy me."
The sound of tearing fabric fills the room. Vorpa's uniform falls away in strips. Dad's hands roam over her scales, his lips following in their wake. Silent tears streak down Vorpa's face, the only movement her frozen body allows.
Rage burns through the paralytic haze clouding my mind. Prison is too good for him. Death is too good for him. I'm going to make sure he never hurts anyone else.
Not ever again.
Prova's eyes squeeze shut, her only defense against the horror unfolding before her.
"Make her watch." Dad's command rings with casual cruelty.
Strongbow's fingers dig into Prova's scales as she wrenches the young vakutan's head up. "Yes, Daddy." Her simpering tone makes my skin crawl.
Ancient prayers spill through my mind - fragments of Reaper liturgy Bruticus taught me. The Precursors who gave birth to his people, who gifted them strength beyond measure. My fingers twitch. A spark of hope ignites in my chest.
The paralytic fights me, but rage burns hotter. My arm feels like it's moving through tar, each millimeter a battle of will against chemistry. But I'm my father's daughter - and just as stubborn as he is.
The holster at his hip comes into focus. Just... a little... further...
My fingers close around cold metal. The pistol slides free.
The sound of the shot drowns out everything else. The bolt goes wide, scoring the wall behind him. But it's enough to make him jump back from Vorpa, his face twisting with fury.
Dad yanks the gun from my weak grip. "I guess there's no time for fun." His casual tone sends ice through my veins."That's okay. I've got plenty of time to do whatever I want to them later."
"Bruticus will save us." The words slur past my numb lips, but I make sure to enunciate his name clearly.
Dad's hand freezes on his belt buckle. His face drains of color, and for the first time I see real fear in his eyes.
My heart soars. That reaction tells me everything I need to know. Bruticus is alive. He's free. And my father is terrified of him.
"That half-breed mongrel?" Dad's voice wavers despite his attempt at bravado. "Station security will handle him."
"Like they handled him last time?" The paralytic makes my words thick, but I manage a smile. "How many bodies did they find in that alley?"
Sweat beads on Dad's forehead. His eyes dart to the windows, checking the shadows. Good. Let him be afraid.
His hands shake as he checks the message. Whatever he reads makes his face go even paler.
"Secure the building." He snaps at Strongbow. "Full lockdown. Now!"
My smile grows wider. The paralytic may have my body, but it can't touch the hope blazing in my chest.
Bruticus is coming.
The pain hits like a plasma bolt to the chest. Maryse. My jalshagar bond screams danger, her fear a metallic taste on my tongue.
"No." I surge from my hiding spot in the shadows of the Royal Garden Hotel.
The bond tugs me forward, a compass pointing true north. She's inside. Upper floors. The fear spikes, sharp and acrid.
Two guards flank the entrance, pulse rifles at ready. Security cameras sweep the perimeter. Daniels expects me.