Page 3 of sWitch
“How could anyone forget they have a date with you?” I asked. Her cheeks flushed, and I felt a rush of heat to my core before running a hand through my wet hair. “Come on, you’re all wet.”
Fucking hell, so was I—and not from the storm.
We stepped into the elevator, and I suddenly forgot my floor, my room number, my goddamn name. As the doors shut, there was a long, awkward pause before she reached in front of me, her breast slightly grazing my elbow as she hit the button to the fourth floor. I tapped a nervous beat against my bag.
“Drums?” she asked curiously.
I looked over in surprise. “Yeah, I play. How’d you know?”
“Only drummers beat against things like that.”
“You’re quite perceptive, aren’t you?”
She shrugged a delicate shoulder, her light pink and blonde hair a grey shade from the rain. “I can be.”
I opened my mouth to flirt—I mean, respond—but the elevator door beeped open. Once we were in the apartment, she stood at the door, timidly looking around. “I guess Trevor’s not home yet?”
“Yeah, who knows.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “I can give you some of my clothes and throw yours in the dryer.” I busied myself with finding her a towel, my Sleep Token T-shirt, and a pair of black sweats. My brother’s girlfriend, whom I had a huge fucking crush on, was alone with me in my apartment. I’d behave.
When I walked out, she was standing in my living room, wearing only her white bra and panties.
I’dtryto behave. I’dattemptto behave.
My mouth dropped as she tossed me her wet clothes. “You look and sound just like Trevor,” she said casually, as if she wasn’t half-naked. “But, like, the night mode version.”
A chuckle rumbled through me. “We can’t all be jocks or little bubblegum princesses.”
She narrowed her gaze slightly as I passed her the towel and clothes. “I like your piercings and tattoos.”
“I like your dimples and freckles.” Ah fuck, I wasnotbehaving. I took a step forward, taking my shirt from her hands and bundling it up. Raising an eyebrow, I put it around the top ofher head, and, fuck me, she lifted her arms, letting me dress her. Just as I pulled the collar down slowly over her chin, both of us breathing a little heavier—the door rattled.
Trevor dumped his duffle bag on the ground. “Fucking pouring out there—” He paused, passing us a glance before looking back to Fauna with surprise. “You’re…here?”
“You said you’d take me to see Kiki’s Delivery Service. It’s playing at the dollar cinema, remember?”
Trevor scratched his stubbled chin. “Sure, I guess. I mean, I’m tired, but whatever. Let me grab a shower.”
Fauna’s beautiful face fell, and I had an overwhelming urge to punch my brother in his chiseled face. Sure, I wanted her, but that didn’t mean I wanted him to treat her poorly. This vision, this perfect cottage core angel-wearing-my-clothes, slumped onto the couch, pulled out her phone, and started scrolling.
Joining my twin in the kitchen I leaned against the counter and raised an eyebrow as he refilled his water bottle. “What?” he barked.
“If you don’t like her, just break up with her.”
“The fuck do you care?” he snapped. “Stay out of it.”
“Forgetting she exists, treating her like shit—it isn’t okay,” I challenged as he glared at me, straightening his backward baseball cap.
A knock sounded on the door, then another. Rolling his eyes, Trevor spun around and opened it before shooting me a cat-with-the-canary grin. “Oh, Remy, yourgirlfriendis here.”
Panic flooded my system, and Fauna looked up from her scrolling. Mary Jane clipped in, high heels and legs to the heavens, straightening her blazer. “You’re not dressed… You’re all wet,” she said by way of greeting.
“Aw, did youforgetyour date, Remy?” Trevor said in that exaggerated mocking tone only siblings could do. My blood boiled as I bit down on my lip ring. “Hi, I’m the hot and charming twin.” Trevor grinned at Mary Jane, kissing her hand. I tensed my jaw, looking to Fauna, who rolled her eyes and passed me a small glance.
My elbow not-so-accidentally knocked my brother’s water bottle off the counter. “Hey, Mary Jane. How do you feel about Miazaki movies?”
“Is that a genre or…”
“I’ll show you. Let’s go see Kiki’s Delivery Service; the dollar theater has a cocktail bar.” I smiled in Trevor’s direction, and he crossed his arms. “I love anime, actually. Big fan.” That addition really pissed him off, and that warmed my heart, especially when Fauna giggled behind me.