Page 9 of sWitch
Chet rumbled back, “Sure, man, whatever. Don’t get all pissy about it.”
“I’m going to bed.” I ended game before they could respond. Waiting for a moment, I stared at my monitor, wishing Faunawould come back and chat, wishing I could chat with her as me and not as my twin.
But I’d gained some valuable intel on my little morally grey foray into V for Valin. Fauna had not, in fact, hooked up with Trev. Why? No idea. Clearly, she wasn’t shy, because a few nights ago, my tongue was licking sugar from her thighs and panties in the middle of a double date in a movie theater.
Also, Trevor’s friends were assholes.Shocker.
And Fauna had a kitten. Fuck cats. I hated the pretentious, fluffy little bastards. It’s okay, for her I’d over look her choices in animal companions. I’m sure I could talk her into getting a puppy with me when she was officially my girlfriend… Ah, fuck, now I was planning the future. It really was time for bed.
I’d heard her voice.
I’d tasted her skin.
I’d made her come twice now without ever taking off our clothes.
It wasn’t enough.
I needed more of Fauna Belrose— and I’d get it.
My old woodendrumsticks vibrated through my forearms and into my core as I played. I preferred the batter head of a true kit, the noise, the symbols, the heat and sweat of making loud music. My drum kit at my apartment was electronic, and I played with headphones on, my sticks making no audible noise aside from unsatisfying taps outside my earbuds.
This old, thrifted kit shoved into the corner of the tattoo shop, she was my home. Band practice days were my favorite days, and I was thankful the shop let us jam here after hours.
Me, Rollo, Joss, and Lennon.
Drums, electric guitar, bass, and keys.
Look, I wasn’t completely delusional. I knew for the most part we were your typical garage band of fucking misfits. However, we had our moments. This new song was our moment. I could feel it.
Joss chugged a water bottle, her green pixie cut hair sweaty. “My friend who works the lineup for the Hall of Rock is going to let me know if anyone drops. Could be huge if we could debutthis new set. But for now, we’re playing the mall arcade again next weekend.”
Rollo reapplied his eyeliner in a hand mirror, guitar hanging at his shirtless middle. “Plot twist: thisfrienddoesn’t exist, and you just say this shit to keep the spark going between us.”
I tossed a sweaty towel at him before straightening my drenched grey sports bra. “You sayin’ we’ve lost the spark, darlin?”
Rollo laughed. “Never, sweetie pie. Hey, my boyfriend will be here in twenty to pick me up. Got enough time for a helix piercing?”
“Another one?” I groaned. “You’re becoming Swiss cheese.”
“You’re one to talk,” Joss teased.
Lennon watched on, smiling. Lennon never spoke; they just sat with their headphones. We knew they liked being near us, so we respected their desire to observe and not speak. I loved Lennon. Lennon was my favorite human. More people should have been like Lennon, in my opinion.
With a groan, I got up from my stool and threw a sheet over the drums. “Get on the table.”
“I love you, Remy. I don’t care what anyone says about you.” Rollo kissed my cheek, leaving a smear of sticky lip gloss behind, and I rolled my eyes.
After washing my hands I pulled out my latex gloves. “You’re lucky I didn’t put my piercing shit away yet. What’s Sebastian going to think of you coming back from practice with new bling every week?”
Rollo leaned back in the leather chair. “He pretends to be annoyed at my antics, but secretly, I know he loves it.”
“Pretends, huh?” I teased, wiping the top of his ear with an alcohol wipe.
Joss clicked her guitar case shut. “Needles creep me out. Come on, Len. Wanna go get tacos? My treat.”