Page 45 of The Highseer's Mate
“The alien who took me? He’s kind. I mean, he has his flaws but his people are—”
“No!” Nicole snaps. “They are all evil. They came in here and snatched Cristina while she was sleeping. Lara and Ryan couldn’t get to her fast enough. Then they were screaming and—”
She shakes and shuts her eyes.
I grab her by the shoulders as the chaos and killing from outside lessens to a dull roar. “Look at me.”
Nicole’s eyes open and I mimic deep breathing, forcing her to calm down with me. It’s hypocritical because I feel like things are spiraling out of control and I haven’t seen Melina’s chest rise or fall once.
Maybe we were too late.
But I don’t think about that. I need to be strong for these women. I need to be strong for my friends.
“Those things that came for you just now? They are bad, not the one that took me. We came back for you all, okay? You don’t have to fear us.”
Us. Because I’m one with Varek. The fear in Nicole’s eyes shakes me to my core. I did this. I put them in more danger.
When Nicole finally nods and wipes away her tears, we both look down at Melina. She isn’t moving. She’s pale. I reach out and touch her shoulder but she feels cold.
“How long has she been like this?”
“Days,” Nicole answers.
“Come on,” I say, holding back all the anxiety pumping through me. “Let’s carry her out of here.”
I grab Melina under her arms and Nicole grabs her by the ankles. She feels like dead weight, but we work together to carry her to the door.
I lean out the door to check what’s going on. There are fewer Thachiens now—their bodies lying cracked and dead across the ground. Varek is tearing another one in half while Draxel kicks one to the ground.
“Let’s go,” I whisper.
We walk out, watching our step over the thorny vines. I stay as close to the ship as possible, praying that we don’t draw anyone’s attention. Thachiens or Varek’s.
He’ll be pissed, but I can’t help it. No one gets left behind.
Lara screams as Draxel slashes through the Thachien holding her by the hair. She scrambles to the ground and crawls away. When she sees us, she sprints in our direction.
“Lara!” I shout. So much for not drawing attention.
An anguished scream erupts from the middle of the chaos and I look over. The Thachiens are leaving. Only three of them survive as they hurry away, too far for us to catch up. But slung over one of their shoulders is Cristina.
Lara gets to us and nearly collapses, black Thachien blood caking her suit. “Paige! You’re alive?”
I nod. I can’t go into the details now. “Here, take Melina.”
I hand Melina off and sprint to Varek. Draxel approaches Ryan on the ground and kneels by her side, his chest fiery and bright.
“Varek!” I shout.
His jaw is tight as he opens his arms and captures me, crushing me to his chest. I tangle my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck that still stands on end. His nose drops to the crook of my neck and he inhales deeply. “Why don’t you ever listen to me?” He asks.
“They have Cristina,” I tell him. “We have to go after them.”
My hand slides down and Varek hisses.
“Are you hurt?” I ask. I wiggle out of his hold and step around him. Across his muscled back is a nasty gash. Three claw marks like he was slashed. “Oh my God,” I whisper. “You’re bleeding, Varek.”
“We can’t go after them,” he grunts. “They are heading into Strid territory and we have injuries.”