Page 49 of The Highseer's Mate
What if I still can’t save them?
Chapter 19
Ican’t bring myself to look at Paige because I already know what waits for us back at the glowhollow.
Draxel carries Paige’s friend who looks half dead, the other women are starved, strumbling and holding on to each other as they walk. One of them was kidnapped and taken by the Thachiens.
She will probably never be found.
I never should have made that stupid deal with Paige.
I lied to the council. To my people. And now, the truth is about to come out.
Draxel will be called as a witness against my orders—he’ll do anything to protect himself from punishment now that he has mated with the red-headed one. I don’t blame him. It’s exactly the reason I’m in the position I’m in.
We walk closer to the mountainside and from the southern crack appears a horde of Vrut males. Most of them are hunters, but some harvesters are thrown in the mix. All males I’ve grown up alongside or given orders to.
In front of them is Kylor.
“He must have followed us,” Paige mumbles beside me.
The gathered males watch us with wide stances, deflated shoulders, and hopeful stares. Each male is searching for his own mate amongst the new humans.
None of their chests flare bright.
The rest of the council joins Kylor. Elyra—her features firm and solemn—but Mydros has an infuriating smirk on his face.
“Varek,” Kylor calls out.
We stop in front of the horde of males blocking our way. Paige’s eyes snap in my direction, her brows knitting.
I bow my head in respect. It’s time to face whatever punishment I deserve.
“I will not fight,” I say quietly.
Paige sucks in a sharp breath and leans into my side. She wraps her fingers around my bicep and huddles close. “What’s going on?”
On Kylor’s orders, the males step forward and surround Paige and I. She flinches and my chest flares bright, ready to protect her, but no one dares lay a finger on her.
“Wait, no! No! Varek, what’s happening?”
“It’s okay, Paige,” I murmur. I pull her into my arms and inhale the sweet smell of her. My mate. My reason for living. I suppose I never quite understood what it would be like to throw out everything you know for the happiness of a mate. Do I regret anything?
I can’t say that I do.
“Varek!” She whines into my chest, her voice wavering.
“They are taking me to the mines. The council will decide my fate.”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
I comfort her as best I can without letting my own emotions slip. “I have to pay for what I’ve done.”
The males crowd around us. When one reaches for me, Paige shoves the hand away. “No! You can’t! This is all my fault!”
I hug her tight, squeezing and memorizing the feel of her body. She has her friends now. The clan will protect her. Perhaps, I can’t hope for anything more.