Page 64 of The Highseer's Mate
Lara swipes her hand like it’s no big deal.
A hush falls over the room as guards lead Varek in. A chain dangles between his wrists, shackling him like an animal.
My breath falters.
Nicole wraps her arm around my shoulder. His cheeks are sunken. His eyes a little more hollow than I see them in my mind.
He’s led across the chamber to stand next to the council, towering over Kylor. Elyra nods to Varek in respect, but she is the only member of the council to do so. Mydros has a smug look on his face as he takes in the appearance of my mate.
I take an unconscious step forward–as if the bond is dragging me in–but Nicole holds me back.
“Don’t be rash,” she whispers in my ear.
I want to run across the chamber and throw myself at Varek, tear the chains off of his wrists with my bare hands, and run away. He doesn’t deserve this trial, let alone being paraded around as some criminal. I hate the way the others stare at him. Mistrust, disappointment, and an air of disdain poison the air.
I almost choke on it.
Kylor raises a single hand and all conversations stop. The focus zeros in on the oldest member of the council as he points to my mate.
“Varek Shal’Vorr has betrayed our clan,” he says with authority, his voice firm and booming. “He explored the marshes to find an unknown ship had crashed close to the lands where the strids roam. Inside, he found his mate. Paige.”
Kylor sweeps his hand and points to me. All eyes in the room have me pinned, the weight immeasurable and suffocating.
But I only see Varek.
When we lock gazes, his chest fires up like usual—bright as ever. His lips twitch in the faintest of smiles and it takes my breath away. How can someone be so strong? So sure of what he wants?
Kylor continues. “The council instructed him to send Draxel to investigate if there were others of her kind. Draxel found five other females.”
Hushed whispers break out in the chamber as Mydros nods, seemingly pleased with the court of public opinion.
“But Varek Shal’Vorr hid this fact. He instructed Draxel to keep this knowledge a secret and did so himself, lying to the council and to all of you.”
Varek’s jaw clenches as he listens, the muscles on his chest bulging as he breathes in and out.
“By doing so, he gambled with the lives of five other potential mates for our kind. One of whom was stolen by the Thachiens, and another who still lies in a near deathlike state.”
Varek’s chin tucks, his amber eyes hitting the ground.
I can’t take it anymore. He’s not even fighting—not even standing up for himself. Yes, he made a mistake but it wasn’t just him. We both did.
I step forward but Nicole pulls me back. “What are you doing?” she whispers. I shrug her off.
“It’s not his fault!” I say. I raise my chin as high as it will go, or maybe I’m trying to keep tears from falling.
I’m not sure.
All eyes shift to me and Varek bristles, the chains shaking as he stirs against his restraints. He shakes his head no and points his chin back to where I was standing, a firm declaration that he does not approve of me speaking up.
Mydros’ eyes narrow on me, his young features pinched in annoyance. “You approach the council and deny the actions of your mate? Are you saying Kylor lies?”
I shake my head.
Mydros scoffs and waves me off. “Then be gone, female.”
Varek growls, puffing his chest as it flares bright. His shoulders ripple with anger as he stares down his fellow Highseer.
I look back at my friends who are as confused as can be, their eyes darting around to all the Vruts in the room. Mydros flicks his hand and a male hunter comes forward, stalking right up to me.