Page 66 of The Highseer's Mate
“So, it isn’t Varek’s fault. It’s mine.”
I look Kylor dead in the eyes, blocking out everything else before I speak the next words.
“I would like to offer myself in exchange for him.”
Chapter 25
“Iwould like to offer myself in exchange for him.”
I jump to my feet, my body alive. Energy courses through my veins like I’ve never felt and my mane stands on end.
What is she thinking?
Zhoran grabs me by the bicep but I shake him off and snarl in his direction. Ralon tries to pull me back and I swing for him, using the shackles around my wrist like a weapon to wrap him up. I manage to get the chains tight around his throat before more hunters are on me, tearing him free.
Paige’s mouth is wide open, her gorgeous features twisted in fear. The hunters yank me every which way but all I can see is her. My mate. My woman threw herself down in front of the council and begged to take my punishment for me.
My father would be ashamed of the male I have become. And if I let a single hair on her perfect little head face harm, I am worthless.
“Please,” I shout out above the chaos. The males struggle restrain me but the power of the glows is unmatched. My muscles bunch bigger and I feel like I could fight and kill everyliving male in this chamber if it meant I could get to Paige. “Do not listen to her.”
I grit my teeth and let the hunters shove me back to my knees, conceding for the moment. I need the council to think with a clear head. I need Kylor and Elyra to pity me.
Mydros has already made up his mind. Insolent and quick-tempered fool.
“Please,” I address directly to Kylor and Elyra, the two that are clearest of mind. The eldest of the Highseers. “Take her from here.”
“No!” Paige cries out, clutching at her chest. I hate to see her this way, but I will not allow this to continue.
“Kylor,” I plead. “Get on with it. Exile me if you must, but Paige will not be punished. She could even now be carrying my spryt.”
My chest caves in as I think of it.
Paige’s eyes widen and she sways like her legs are about to give out. If I were next to her, I would sweep her up into her arms and tell her softly, petting the soft hair on her head, that she is likely already pregnant. I would tell her how happy she makes me. How she has given me purpose when I thought I would never find it.
And that to create life with her has been the gift of an entire lifetime.
But instead, all I can do is watch her from across the chamber as she nearly crumbles.
My pulse pounds in my neck. “If we want to live on, we must look to the future. We must put our mates first. This talk about her being at fault is nothing but lies. I chose to grant her request because I knew it was what I needed to do to bond with her.”
Paige’s hand settles on her belly, her mouth still open as she processes everything I’m saying. She truly hadn’t even considered the possibility.
“A bond means new life. It’s what we need above all.”
Mydros scoffs and chokes out a sinister laugh. “This is outrageous. To get us to believe that you somehow acted with our future in mind, with our best interest in mind, is ridiculous.”
“You don’t understand,” I grit at the arrogant Highseer. Mydros would never challenge me one on one, because he knows he will lose. But now? He believes he holds the power.
He is wrong.
And he’s uninformed.
“The mate bond,” I continue, “It is inevitable. You can’t deny it and you can’t run from it. Even if to you, my actions appear as a betrayal, they were nothing but selfless in my soul.”
Elyra grimaces and shakes her head. “Robbing the mate of another is not selfless.”