Page 23 of Mile High Mystery
“Because if he had really wanted to be with her, he could have found out where she was resettled. He would have had access to that information or known someone within the Marshals Service who did. It might not have been easy to uncover, but if he really loved her, he could have found out. But he didn’t. Which tells me that once he was away from her, his feelings cooled.”
They started running again. Zach focused on keeping an even pace, on breathing and on the trail. Anything but his sister and what must have been a lonely life so far from the people who loved her most.
They reached the top of the trail and began to run along a ridge. Zach caught his breath and his pace became easier. “What about you?” Shelby asked. “Are you involved with anyone in Eagle Mountain?”
“Isn’t the answer to that question already in my file?”
“It isn’t,” she said. “There’s no personal information at all.”
“Huh.” He looked away. “Then why bother keeping a file?”
“We kept track of your whereabouts in case there was any threat to your safety from the Chalk brothers.”
“And is there?”
“Not that we’ve been able to ascertain.”
“But you said Camille came here because she thought I was in danger.”
“That was what she thought, but we never found any evidence to prove that. Which is one of the most frustrating things about her disappearance. If she had stayed put, both of you would be safe now.”
He heard the anger in her voice—and the grief. “Maybe whatever she was worried about is somewhere on her laptop,” he said.
She nodded. “Maybe so.”
“Will you tell me if it is?”
She pushed the sunglasses to the top of her head and looked him in the eye. “If you’re in danger, I’ll tell you,” she said. “Even if I’m not supposed to.”
She didn’t wait for his reaction, but turned and took off down the trail, running hard, putting distance between them.
Chapter Eight
“Do you have any suspects?” Shelby’s supervisor, Special Agent in Charge Donald Lester, got straight to the point when he contacted her Monday afternoon. Though she had been sending regular reports of her activities in Eagle Mountain, this was the first time they had spoken since her arrival.
“Not yet,” she replied. “I’m hoping we can get DNA results from the hair I submitted—”
“What about the brother?” Lester interrupted.
“He was in town. Maybe his sister contacted him and arranged to meet. He was upset, felt betrayed—whatever. They argued, and he killed her.”
“Zach Gregory was one of the first responders on scene when Camille’s body was discovered,” Shelby said. “He was genuinely shocked.”
“You weren’t there,” Lester said. “Maybe he’s a good actor. He could have killed her, then returned to the scene with Search and Rescue and faked his surprise.”
Zach? Kill his sister? “Sir, I don’t think—”
“Find out where Zach Gregory was at the time his sister was murdered,” Lester said. “Don’t rule him out until you have proof.”
“Yes, sir.” Even though part of her resisted the idea that Zach had anything to do with Camille’s death, she saw the sense in ruling him out.
“If Gregory isn’t responsible, do you have any reason to believe Camille Gregory’s killer is still in the area?” he asked.
“I doubt it, sir,” Shelby said. “If this was someone hired by the Chalk brothers, he wouldn’t be likely to stick around.”
“Then you won’t accomplish anything by staying there longer,” Lester said. “Focus on the brother, and if you can clear him, I’ll reassign you.”