Page 37 of Fragile Heart
“Camden’s a pretty cute distraction,” she says, breathless.
“He is,” I agree.
My phone vibrates where it’s stashed in the backpack.
If it were any other time of the year, I’d ignore it. But summertime means it’s probably Sam calling me in for a fire. Sure enough, a single text from Sam waits in my notifications.
Fire south of Boise. Big one, just bring yourself. Report tomorrow 0900.
“Everything okay?” Brielle asks as I tuck my phone away, dropping it onto silent.
“Just got called to a fire,” I say.
She frowns and starts to stand. “Do we need to head back?”
I shake my head, laying back down on my elbow so we’re almost the same height.
“I report tomorrow, so we still have today,” I whisper.
Her lips curve into a barely-there smile as she settles back in beside me. Quiet settles around us, and I don’t rush to break it, content with whatever small thing is starting between us. After a while, her hand traces my tattoo, her touch feather light. I’m not quite sure how much time has passed when she speaks.
“Can I kiss you?” Her voice skates over me, a breeze that carries so much between us.
I offer a smirk as I nod once. She leans over me, and I cup her cheek. Her lips are soft, but she’s anything but hesitant. She runs her hands up my arms, tracing the mountain tattoo again before palming the nape of my neck. My dick jumps, and I can’t help but moan. She shudders, and then it slams into me all at once, something about her moving making her scent suddenly unfiltered.
Lavender, so strong it feels like I’m walking through a plant store. It’s fucking divine, just like the first time I smelled it in Mom’s coffee shop and realized what she is. This time, though, there’s an acidic edge to it. A growl rumbles through my chest, the need to protect and care for her slamming into me with all the force of a damn freight train. I sit up without a second thought, keeping her pressed against me.
She freezes.
I force myself away from her, dropping my hand from her cheek to her knee. Her face is pale. Her hands shake where they still rest against my arms, and her heart is racing fast enough I can see it beating in her throat. The acidic edge of the lavender bites into me, something I’ve read about, been warned of, but never actually experienced.
“Brielle,” I murmur.
Chapter Seventeen
Caleb’s nostrils flare as I perfume for him again, my arousal too strong for my scent blocking lotion to contain any longer. All I can do is pray he doesn’t notice the acidic bite of it that betrays my secret. He breathes heavily, his chest brushing mine, but his hand is gentle where it palms my knee.
His Adam’s apple moves as he swallows. Hard.
“You’re touch-starved,” he murmurs.
Oh no.
I pull my hands away from him as a blush burns my face and neck. How fucking humiliating. Everything had been… damn, it had been magical. And now my body has to ruin it. I spent so many years with a man who didn’t even reallylikeme, just knew he could trust me with the fortune he amassed once we graduated from college. The last thing I want is something fueled by pity. Especially with my scent match.
The thought sends a thrill down my spine even as I twist away from him, prepping to stand and head back down the trail.I still have to survive the hike and then the drive back to the ranch with him, and that’s maybe the worst part. There’s no way I can even look at him right now.
Caleb makes a soothing sound, grabbing my wrist and forcing me to still before I manage more than to kneel. A shiver runs down my spine as he uses a finger under my chin to force my gaze back to him. His gaze is softer than before, the hungry edge gone.
“It’s all right,” he says, his voice nothing short of a croon. My knees weaken at the affection layering through the words. I run my tongue across my lip, trying to remember how to do anything other than melt into a puddle at his feet.
“I don’t want your pity,” I say, trying to put bite into the words. I’m only moderately successful.
His eyebrows lower as he frowns, and he squeezes my hand. “Trust me, sweetheart, I’ll give you anything you want, and none of it will be fueled by pity.”