Page 81 of Shoot Your Shot
Her stomach is swollen and adorable. And despite everything going on in my life, I’m so happy for my friend. She’s truly glowing. Even when she was piling food into her mouth at a rapid speed.
“Thanks, but honestly, I need to thank Kolt and Maci.” I wave my hand toward the two who actually made today happen. “Without them, we would probably be eating Chick-fil-A or something.”
“One of my sons in the kitchen?” Marilyn says, smiling at Kolt. “Now, that is something I didn’t think I’d hear.”
“Hey, I cook every night,” Klay chimes in. “Kind of have to when you’re single, you know.”
“You cook Kraft Mac and Cheese and dino nuggets,” Kolt says from behind me. “I didn’t do much—I’ll tell you that. This woman prepped basically everything on her own. Mace and I just helped pull it together.” He pauses. “Mostly Mace.”
“Happy to help,” Maci says sweetly. “You did good, girl. I barely had to do anything.”
We both know that’s a lie. But in the short amount of time I’ve spent with her, I know that’s how she is. Maci is incredibly kindhearted.
After Kolt’s attempt to … calm me down, I looked around the kitchen and knew I was in over my head and had to call Maci to save me.
His mother is a wonderful cook, but she wasn’t due to arrive for hours. And as much as I love my husband and as great of a helper as he is, he doesn’t have a clue what he’s doing in the kitchen. I mean, I can cook basic things and in normal amounts. That man struggles to boil potatoes. So, I knew I needed Maci. Thank God she agreed to come to the rescue. So, she, Amelia, and Logan came over early and helped us pull this thing together.
I relax between Kolt’s legs, reclining back and listening to the sound of him and everyone else here telling stories and making conversation. It feels so good to be back with our friends and family again. And I’ve loved getting reacquainted with the Sharks family.
For the first few years I was around them, I never would have imagined Logan would settle down, given how wild he was. But then Amelia happened, and he became the world’s best dad overnight. And now, he has Maci.
A few of the other guys on the team are married now; some even have kids too. But a lot of them—specifically Tripp, Ryder, and Smith—haven’t changed a bit.
Tripp has always reminded me the most of Kolt—minus the anger streak, of course. But like my husband, he doesn’t talk if he has nothing important to say. He’s polite, but he’s not over the top. Opposite of Logan and Klay, who are both here tonight—fighting over who is funnier, I’m sure.
Smith is the team’s undesignated shit-stirrer. He loves to get people wound up and enjoys seeing them sweat a little too.While Logan might tell dad jokes, Kolt used to come home and bitch about Smith playing pranks on him. I think he was an easy target for Smith because, as much as I love him, he’s a bit of a grump.
Women practically trip over themselves when Smith passes by. He’s gorgeous, and he knows it too.
Ryder has been known to be calm, cool, and collected—until he isn’t. And when he’s pushed to that point, hang the hell on because he’s about to mess some shit up.
Out of everyone, Smith, Tripp, and Ryder are probably the closest. Which is the same as Walker, Logan, and Kolt.
Kolt’s knees move as he laughs at something Logan said, and my heart warms. I’m so angry at myself for walking away from this, but I know I needed to leave to find my way back.
Tripp walks before us and holds his hand up. “Hey, thanks for dinner, y’all. I gotta run.”
“Where the fuck are you going so fast?” Ryder says. His eyes widen, and he looks at Logan. “I forgot Amy was here. Sorry, man.”
“All good. She’s playing an intense game of Old Maid with Klay,” Logan says.
“I, uh … just got some shit to do—that’s all.” Tripp shrugs. “See you later.”
Before Ryder can ask him anything else, he bolts. Proving that wherever he’s going, he doesn’t want to tell the class.
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Smith looks intense while on his phone. Finally, he sets it down, dragging a hand down his face before he turns toward Kolt and me. He looks stressed—that’s for sure.
“Hey, my sister and her friend are in town. Do you mind if they swing in for a bit?” There’s an unusual heaviness in his tone, and I can’t help but wonder what’s going on with him.
“I mean, your sister is fine. But is this friend she’s bringing actually her friend, or is she going to hide in our hamper tonight and watch us sleep?” Kolt grumbles, instantly skeptical of this strange woman Smith has decided to invite in.
Swatting his knee, I quickly crane my neck and shoot him a warning before positioning myself toward Smith.
“What Grouchy Pants means is, any friend of your sister’s is a friend of ours. So, yes, by all means, bring her on over.” I smile, trying to smooth it over.
“Thanks.” He stands up and heads toward the door. “Hey, can you open the gate and let them in?”
“Oh, he meant, like, they are here. As in now,” Kolt deadpans before taking his phone and pulling up the app that unlocks the gate. “What if we’d said no?” he utters.