Page 104 of Cause of Action
“I’m going to be a girl mom. Thank you for giving me a daughter. I love you.”
“I love you more, babe.” I kissed her lips. “And you’re welcome.” I winked.
“A daughter.” My Uncle Louie smiled. “Your dad would be so happy right now. He always talked about when he had grandchildren one day.”
“I know. I miss him so much, Uncle Louie.”
“I know you do, sweetheart.” He hugged me. “So do I. Watching that baby grow into a fine woman will surely be great.”
I broke our embrace and stared at him. “What do you mean?”
“I’m moving back to Los Angeles.”
I placed my hand over my mouth in shock. “You are?”
“Yep. As much as I like New York, I miss it here. I miss the salty air, the beach, the ocean, the palm trees, the warmth.”
“Did you find a place already?” I asked.
“I found a house online that I’m going to look at tomorrow in Pacific Palisades.” He smiled. “I do believe it’s not too far from where you and Roman live.”
I was ecstatic that he was moving here. He was more than an uncle and a friend—he was my second father.
Two Months Later
Today was the day Roman and I were going for another ultrasound. I couldn’t wait to see how much our daughter had grown. Glancing at my watch, I noticed that our appointment was in an hour, and I was worried Roman wouldn’t be back from court in time.
“Uh, Morgan,” Julian said, opening my office door. “I know your ultrasound is today, but Roman is sitting in a jail cell right now.”
“What?” I stood up from my chair. “Why?”
“Contempt.” He grinned.
“You smiling right now is fucked up.” I grabbed my purse. “We need to be at the Kind Medical Center in an hour!” I stormed out and headed to the police station.
I walked into the station and up to the desk.
“Morgan?” I heard Simon’s voice from behind. “Hey, what are you doing here?” He smiled.
“Roman is in jail, and I have an ultrasound appointment in thirty minutes.”
“Contempt, again?” he asked.
“Yep. That’s what I was told.” I sighed.
“Come with me.”
He took me back to where Roman was being held. I stopped and stared at him, shaking my finger.
“You knew our ultrasound was today, but yet, you still went and pissed off the judge!”
“I know, and I’m sorry, babe. He was in the wrong, and I had to let him know.”
“You couldn’t have waited and did it another day!”