Page 107 of Cause of Action
“We do. The three of us.”
“Why do we have to go?” Parker asked.
“Because I want your opinions.”
“No can do. I have plans tonight with someone, and it could linger into tomorrow,” Julian said.
“Oh, please. You’ll go out tonight, have sex, and kick her out. There will be no lingering into tomorrow.”
“Ain’t that right.” Parker chuckled.
“Shut up, douchebag.” Julian’s brows furrowed.
“What is this paint over here?” Parker asked, pointing to the can in the corner.
“That’s for the accent wall. You can do that wall while we finish up on this side,” I said.
“And which one is the accent wall?” he asked.
“This one.” I pointed.
Parker stood in the middle of the room, furrowing his brows. “Are you sure? That doesn’t make sense. I would make this wall the accent wall.”
“Morgan said she wants the accent wall over here.”
“You’re sure about that?” he asked.
“Yes. I’m positive. I listen to my girlfriend when she speaks.” I smirked.
“Okay.” Parker sighed.
After a few hours, the room was painted. I went downstairs, grabbed some beers from the fridge, and the three of us sat on the paint tarps in the middle of the floor.
“Roman?” I heard the front door open.
“Upstairs in the nursery, babe,” I shouted, standing up.
She walked in, kissed my lips, and looked around.
“Wow. It looks great in here. But why did you make that the accent wall?” She pointed. “It’s supposed to be this wall. This is where the crib is going.”
“Ha!” Parker pointed at me. “I told you!”
“So much for you always listening when she speaks,” Julian whispered.
“Shut the fuck up. Babe, you said this wall would be the accent wall.”
“No, I didn’t, Roman. You weren’t listening because you were reading an email from one of your clients when we were in here discussing it.”
“I think the accent wall is fine where it is, babe.”
“And I think you better prime that wall and repaint it. Then, you’re going to repaint this wall as the accent wall.”
“As much as I’d love to stay, I have to go home and get ready for my date.” Julian walked over and kissed Morgan’s cheek. “Love you.”
“I have to go, too.” Parker patted my back. “Have fun painting.” He grinned and left the room.
I stood there, my hands on my hips, staring at the walls.