Page 45 of Busted Dreams
I exploded out of my seat, but Rhys was ready for it, jumping up out of the chair. He blocked my punch, then a second punch. Damnit!
“Beck, back up!” Thatcher yelled. My vision was entirely red as he pulled me back.
I mean, what the hell?
Astrid was her own person, and she could surely do whatever she wanted. But somewhere in the back of my mind, I’d thought that first would be mine. I ached for it to be mine. And my pretty girl, who had only shared a few kisses with a few boys, gave that precious gift away.
And I was furious it was Rhys, the perfect one. The rich one.
I’d never felt as inferior as I did right then.
“Stop it. Stop whatever you’re thinking right now. This was exactly why I told you guys. So you wouldn’t blow up on her when she told you.” Rhys had a hold of me by my biceps, walking me backward toward the couch I was sitting on before.
Was it just me, or was there a melancholy air to the room right now?
From the look on Thatcher’s face, I’d say it wasn’t just me.
I vibrated with… I didn’t even know what I was feeling. Did he take advantage of her? Why him? Why now?
“Well, Rhys. Don’t prolong it. Explain why it was so important to you that you ran straight to us less than a day after taking her virginity. Are you trying to make us angry? Did you think it gave you a leg up with her because she chose you?” Thatcher’s voice was rock hard, and his face was stone cold.
Wow. I hadn’t even thought about it like that. Was he trying to brag to us?
“What? No.No. Part of Astrid’s prickly charm is how she doesn’t play games. Doesn’t knowhowto play games. Or care to. She’s so innocent because she’s so awkward and antisocial.” His mouth curled into a small smile, like he was remembering something fondly. The fucker probably was. “But it wasn’t because she wanted to be that way. We all know her parents had more to do with that than anything.”
The more he talked, the more calm infused itself back into my body.
“In case she feels any kind of regret, or shame—”
“Why would she feel those things?” Thatcher spat, his face darkening.
“I’m saying this wrong, hell.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose like the action alone could provide him the patience to deal with us. “Not because she feels those things for her. Astrid was very clear that she wanted last night to happen. All I’m saying is, when she tries to tell you two, I don’t want her to feel ashamed because it’s howyoumake her feel. If there’s anyone’s opinions she cares about, it’s the two of you. One wrong word, expression, or breath, and she’ll back track, thinking what we did was wrong when it absolutely wasn’t.”
I didn’t want to understand where he was coming from, but I did. She’d had a hard enough time with her parents trying to force their opinions on her. And she didn’t even care what they thought. If I would have exploded on her when she tried to tell me, if she wanted to tell me, then she’d shut down for sure.
Swiping both hands over my face, I fell back against the couch.
“Do you get me now?”
“Yeah. I don’t want to, but I understand,” I said, suddenly drained.
“I’m still mad as hell at you for sharing her business. That’s not cool, man.” Thatcher adjusted in his seat, tugging his jeans at the knees. “No more from now on. I honestly don’t care if she’s intimate with you two. As long as she’s happy, I’m happy.”
I doubted that like Astrid doubted the validity of the Bible. “Is that so? If I took her on a date tonight, and we made love, you’d be perfectly okay with that?”
“Made love? Never thought I’d see the day Beckham White said those words. Or meant them.” Thatcher chuckled.
Grimacing, I flipped him the bird. “Har-har. I sing love songs. Of course you’ve heard me say made love.”
“But never with so much…passion.” Now Thatcher was chortling, and Rhys cracked a grin.
“Back to your question. Sure, I’d be a little jealous, but it’s what Astrid wants. And she’s been denied enough things in her life that I don’t want to be the reason she loses another. It’s why she doesn’t want to let go of any of us. We’ve been there for her in ways she’s never had before. She’s scared shitless she’ll lose the only friendships she’s ever really valued. I can’t get mad at her for that. Honestly, if it were that important to me, I’d walk away right now.”
The fucker would too. There was too much resolve written all over him not to believe him.
“We might find ourselves living a poly like life for a while if we’re all together. Can you both live with that?” Rhys was really persistent. Taking care of Astrid.
That was how I knew I was okay with it. As much as he couldn’t take away something good in her life, I couldn’t take away someone who actually gave a damn and would do his best to turn her world right anytime it tipped.