Page 18 of Fractured
“I know. And you already know mine.”
“Then I’ll be seeing you soon, Lilith.” He brushed his fingers over the back of my hand and continued down the aisle, whistling a soft, happy tune.
The one day I needed a good escape and fucking, the guy already had plans. Why was the world plotting against me?
The power of an orgasm is greater than any therapy out there. - August 28th
“Girl,I’m so sorry about Tuesday,” Harper said as I stretched out on her chaise lounge. Not the one in her office. That one was probably overrun with germs from all of the different patients she saw day in and day out.
Today, I was in her living room. I’d have been willing to bet I was the only one who ever sat on this particular chaise. She’d bought it right after she was licensed and started doing sessions with me professionally. It sat in her front room, and aside from me, her only visitors were her current boyfriends. Out of all the places they could be in her condo, the chaise probably wasn’t in the top twenty.
And I liked it that way.
Both of us had turned our backs on the remaining family we had long ago. And I said that loosely, since I still saw Lauren. We were better off on our own, made better decisions, lived happier lives.
“No worries. It’s been a crazy week anyway.” I wiggled into a more comfortable position and crossed my arms over my stomach.
“I know, but I hated bailing. I had this patient who broke down in literal hysterics, and I couldn’t leave her like that. Poor thing. And just when I thought we were making progress, a setback snuck up on her.” She shook her head as she opened a pale blue notebook that was reserved just for me.
Wasn’t I special?
“It’s not a big deal really. I just took a really long bubble bath and had a nice big glass of wine.” I also spent some time with my special vibrating friend after the encounter with Saint. Thoughts of the tall, dark, and gorgeous man had dominated more than a few of my nights this week.
“All right, professional hat going on.” She dropped her cutesie librarian’s glasses down over the bridge of her nose. “What were the major points for you this week?”
Damn, there were so many, but none I particularly wanted to go into with Harper. This was our relationship—she asked the questions, and I gave her half-truths. If one day I cracked like a sad egg on the concrete sidewalk, I wanted to make sure she was free of guilt. She couldn’t have prevented it if she didn’t see the signs.
“I almost took home a man the other night.” I closed my eyes so I didn’t see the betrayal that was sure to be all over her face.
She gasped. “You bitch! How could you not send me a play-by-play as it was happening?”
“Because that was the day you cancelled on me, so I assumed you were otherwise occupied. And anyway, it didn’t happen, so there was nothing to tell.”
“I hate you. You’re the worst friend. I—” Harper’s phone rang, and she stopped mid-sentence. “Shit. That’s the after-hours service. They only call for emergencies.” She sent me an apologetic look as she stood up and walked back to her bedroom, answering softly as she shut the door.
I knew how this was going to go—she’d have to drive into the office, and yet another night would be shot. I rubbed the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache come on. I hadn’t had a headache like this in a while. Was it so bad that I needed my best friend every once in a while? I needed her, even if it was just to be in her presence.
Fuck, I was too whiny right now.
Going straight to her medicine cabinet in the kitchen, I grabbed some Tylenol. If I didn’t get in front of this headache, it was going to be a bitch to get rid of.
Harper came strutting out of her bedroom, heels snapping against the floor as she pulled her hair into a messy bun on top of her head. “I’ll make this up to you, I promise, but I have to go see a patient who was just admitted to the hospital. If this goes quickly, I’ll stop by your place, otherwise I’ll call you later?”
Why did I feel like I was being let down gently? It wasn’t like this wasn’t normal for Harper. And I refused to make appointments to see her at her office. No, the shit week I had was to blame. Too much in too short a time had flipped my life upside down.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll probably just go grab dinner and a glass of wine somewhere. Take care of your patient.” I gave her a tight hug, then waited for her to lock her door before descending down the stairs.
“I really am a shit friend sometimes. Later. Muah.” She blew me a kiss, then did an amazing jog to her car in three-inch heels.
Up to this point, the day had passed without any drama. I didn’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I wasn’t ready to go home yet. An idea popped in my head, and before I knew it, my feet were taking me down the street in the direction of the speakeasy bar we’d visited the previous week.
Why did I even want to go back there? Because the bartender was hot? If a gun were held to my head, I couldn’t have answered that question. All I knew was that I’d met too many interesting men lately not to take one home.
I’d just come to the corner of the speakeasy building when someone exited the side door. The ice cream shop was packed, but the side of the building was eerily deserted. No main shops had entrances on this road, but it was close to a parking garage. This must be the way Brett and Harper had walked out the other day.
It was him—Kenzo.