Page 28 of Fractured
Instead of replying, I opened the door, steeling myself for how Atticus would react to a man inside my house after I clearly just woke up. “Hey. Good morning.” I held the door open in invitation to let Atticus in if he wanted to stay.
At the sound of the door creaking open, he lifted his gaze my way. The dazzling smile took my breath away as he stood and approached me. Leaning down, he kissed my cheek.
“Morning. I’d ask who your overnight visitor was, but he’s not trying to hide and you’re not trying to keep him a secret. I take that as a good sign? A gay best friend? Or a brother, perhaps?” Atticus raised his eyebrows as he held the jug of coffee up in greeting to Ambrose.
“Actually, I’m more of a friend that’s trying to get into the boyfriend zone.” Ambrose’s lips twitched, and I beamed at him. Atticus was probably confused at my sudden giddiness but didn’t comment.
“What do you know, that’s exactly where I want to be.” He moved inside, and I shut the door.
Both men turned at the snick of the lock sliding home, but I shrugged awkwardly. “As a woman that lives alone, I always lock the door.”
“Hey, you’ll get no complaints from me.” Atticus smiled and lifted the coffee and donuts. “Where do you want these?”
“It’s nice outside already, why don’t we take them to the back porch? I have a little table and chairs out there.” It was more like a few wicker loveseats and one chair surrounding a small wicker table. Not really for eating, but it would work, and fresh air sounded amazing.
I grabbed some of the leftover pizza napkins and led the way to the back. The backyard space was why I’d bought this place. Where the front yard had a chain link fence, the backyard had a six-foot privacy fence on all sides, making me feel truly alone most of the time. With large pine trees, there was an abundance of shade too. Another part of my plan to infuse a bit of tranquility at every possible point.
I took the chair, so the guys wouldn’t fight over who sat next to me. They might not have done that at all, but they were both being too relaxed, and I didn’t want to rock the boat if I didn’t have to.
Both men were very different, but seeing them next to each other, it made all the differences that much more noticeable. Atticus was dressed primly in a pair of navy slacks with a cream shirt and mahogany cardigan. He really loved his cardigans, but after finding out he was a professor, it all made sense. His dark chestnut hair was neatly swept to the side, and his light brown eyes were chock full of kindness and intelligence.
Then there was Ambrose, who had such exotic features and up tilted eyes. He stood about two inches taller than Atticus’ six feet, but he seemed larger, with a faux broodiness that only came across as a result of his straight-faced expression. His black jeans and gray T-shirt added the image.
Atticus kept sending curious glances Ambrose’s way. But they were both being perfectly civil. It weirded me out a little bit.
“Ambrose.” He extended his hand to Atticus, who had taken the love seat directly across from me, where Ambrose sat on the one in between us.
“Atticus,” he replied and shook his hand.
Okay, this was like entering an alternate universe. Or maybe the situation was sinking in.
“So, Atticus. Lilith tells me she’s not into commitments, but I was fortunate enough to get her to agree to letting me stay in her life regardless. Hopefully as a boyfriend in all but title.” He winked at me, and it was so fast, I questioned if he really did it. “Where do you stand?”
Atticus coughed and tugged at the collar of his shirt, glancing between me and Ambrose. “We haven’t gotten that far yet. I was taking the get to know you route before asking those kinds of questions.” A hint of pink hit his cheeks, and I instantly felt horrible that Ambrose put him on the spot.
I opened my mouth to speak, but Ambrose held up his hand. “Well, we already cleared up that Lilith isn’t looking for a relationship, and I did tell her I was fine with her seeing anyone else. If she agrees to date you, would you give the same consideration?”
“The same consideration?” Atticus tilted his head as he looked back to Ambrose.
“Yes, not care that she sees other people. Namely me.” Ambrose spoke slowly like he was surprised Atticus hadn’t picked up on it in the first place.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been placed on the spot like this.” Atticus laughed uncomfortably. When he glanced at me, he tried to smile, but it was more of a wince. “Is that what you want? To take multiple men on with no relationship?”
And it was my turn to feel uncomfortable. “I’ll tell you something I told someone else recently, I—”
“There’s more than just Ambrose?” Atticus pointed at the man, as if there’d been any doubt in my mind who he was talking about.
“One more.” I nodded slowly. Maybe two, but how did I tell these guys I’d almost taken another man home with me? Best keep that to myself for now, because honestly, how long could this realistically last?
“Okay,” Atticus responded. He seemed to mull it over as he pulled the throwaway cups from the end of the jug and started to pour coffee in one of them. I knew this tactic. It was a stall until you have something to say without looking like an idiot tactic. On Atticus, it was very endearing. “I can’t make any long-term promises, but I’ve never been one to follow conventional ideas, so yeah, why not?”
“Really?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, or the tentative hope flashing in my chest like a beacon.
“I like to try new things.” Atticus shrugged. “Worst case scenario, this doesn’t work out, I’ll cut my losses. But…I hope we’ll stay friends?”
“I’d really like that,” I said softly.
“Great.” His smile was so sweet, I melted into the chair.