Page 45 of Outcast
Rita was devastated and even still, she was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.
"Sleep in my room."
She cast me a suspicious glance, but I held up my hands. "I'm not going to try and fuck you. I wouldn't." I wouldn't dishonor her or Javier that way and the way her expression changed, she recognized it for the dig it was. "But we don't know what kind of shitstorm this is going to turn into. I want to make sure you're safe."
Releasing a sigh, she nodded as she pushed some of her hair out of the way.
I passed her and led the way. Once we reached my door, I unlocked it and let her in. Cool air washed over us.
"This feels nice." She hummed.
"I installed an air unit. I'm not like those other fuckers. Ineed cool air to get my beauty sleep." I turned the bed down and waited for her to climb in.
She didn't take the invite. Shifting on her feet, she eyed the bathroom. "Can I take a shower?"
To wash Matías off, she meant. Or I hoped.
"Yeah." I nodded toward the bathroom. Not everyone in the compound had their own, but I'd built a whole-ass bike as a trade for this room.
Once she was out and dressed in one of my shirts, I was already down to my boxers. I took a breath to fully appreciate how good she looked in my clothes. Then I sighed and lifted the covers. She climbed in against the wall, then I slid in after her.
This wasn't the first time I'd shared a bed with her, but at least this time I was sober. I wanted to remember every second.
Her head rested on the pillow as she stared up at the ceiling. "I'm surprised your room is so clean."
I scoffed. "You mean because I don't treat the room like a bachelor pad and fuck my way through bitches in here?"
She giggled softly. "I'm just surprised."
Rita grew quiet and I closed my eyes. "Get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a shit storm."
There was a tension in the air like she had something to say, but when I turned toward her, she shook her head.
"I don't know why it couldn't be you," she whispered as she covered her face with her palm.
"Ouch," I whispered back, rubbing my chest.
"Shit! I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."
"No, don't apologize. But Rita, you've never given me a chance." I pulled her hand away so I could see her beautiful face.
"You want that? A chance?"
"More than any fucking thing."
She started to lean forward like she was going to kiss me but I placed a finger on her lips. "I can't. I saw you with him and I..." I groaned and flopped back on my back. "Try again tomorrow."
She was quiet, then there was a soft, “Okay.”
Somehow, I fell asleep quickly and the next thing I knew, someone was banging on my door.
Bang! Bang! Bang!