Page 51 of Frozen Heart
“I gotta meet this guy,” said Sadie.
My wedding gown was harder. There were plenty of dresses that looked great on the store window mannequins, but when I tried them on I felt like an elephant in a tutu. I was giving up hope when Jen led us down a back alley to a tiny place she’d found online. They specialized in designs for curvier brides and as soon as I saw the dress, Iknew.I listened politely to all the store clerk’s patter but as soon as she’d finished, I pointed to it. “Can I try that one, please?”
It was a long, cream dress with delicate silver details, and when I tried it on it wasperfect. It hugged me just right and the long, slender skirt seemed to add about three inches to myheight. There was a train that flowed down my back like a silky waterfall and trailed behind me for a full eight feet. I looked at myself in the mirror and suddenly, it all welled up inside me.I’m getting married.I didn’t normally get emotional, especially over adress,but?—
I burst out of the changing room and looked at my friends. Luna, Sadie and Jen clapped their hands to their mouths.
“It’s—” I managed
Luna nodded wildly. Sadie flapped her hand in front of her face to cool her eyes. Jen grinned. “Itis!It totally is!”
For the first time, I thought about checking the price. My stomach suddenly dropped. Okay, it was beautiful, but I could literally buy a car for that.
Jen saw my face. “He did say anything you wanted,” she said gently.
I thought of how serious Radimir had been, the morning after I’d patched him up. He really did want to make me happy. “Okay,” I managed. “Okay,yes.”I dug out the credit card he’d given me, took a deep breath...and handed it over.
“Now,” said Sadie, “Ireallyhave to meet this guy.”
I smiled sadly and looked away. Radimir never willingly interacted with civilians and if they did meet him, they’d be shocked at how cold he was. But on a whim, I called him.
He picked up immediately. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing’s the matter. Um. Are you free right now? For coffee?”
There was a stunned silence, and I imagined him staring at the phone, bemused. He never took breaks, even though he worked twelve-hour days.“I have a lot of work to do,” he said at last.
I nodded. “I guessed you would. It’s fine, I’ll see you later.”
“Bronwyn, wait. Why was it you wanted to meet?”
I glanced over my shoulder at Luna, Sadie and Jen. “I wanted you to meet my friends.” It sounded dumb, now. “I’m marrying you and they’ve never even met you.”
I heard him stand up. Then there was a rustle of fabric, and I knew he’d just tugged his waistcoat straight. “Where are you?”
I told him the address.
“I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
“But you have work!”
“I also have a fiancée, and this is important to you.”
He ended the call. I stared at my phone, biting my lip as a warm bomb went off in my chest.
Ten minutes later, Radimir pulled up in his Mercedes and whisked us all off to a nearby coffee shop. Luna, Sadie and Jen bombarded him with questions and...he wasnice.Pleasant and patient and as close to warm as I’d seen him. He even managed to not wince too much when Jen patted his arm right where the knife wound was. He was trying. Or...maybe even changing?
My friends loved him. As they were getting ready to go, Jen pulled me aside. “This is still super-fast,” she said doubtfully. “But...heiskinda great.”
I could hear the hurt in her voice: she still thought I’d been having a secret romance with Radimir for weeks and keeping it from her. And I couldn’t tell her the truth, or she’d try to save me. “He is,” I agreed.
“And he’s obviously crazy about you,” said Jen.
My heart started racing. I tried to sound casual. “Crazy about me?”
She smirked. “He can barely drag his eyes from you. And when he talks about you, his voice changes. It’s adorable.”
He’s acting.That’s what it was. It had to be. I looked over at Radimir. He wasn’tcapableof falling for someone. Right?