Page 6 of Frozen Heart
He threw me into the car and I sprawled on my back on the back seat. He climbed on top of me, a knee pressing between my thighs, and the doorwhumpedshut. The sound of the street dropped away instantly: we were inhisworld, now, hidden by tinted glass. The driver started the car and I rocked on the seat as we roared away.
I stared up at him, our faces only a foot apart. “What do you want?” I managed.
He was lit by the streetlights whipping past, his face alternating between light and shadow. “You know what I want,” he rumbled, those gray eyes blazing. He pushed me down on the seat, my legs kicking towards the ceiling, and his lips came down on mine.
He was hungry, aggressive, forcing me open and making me his. The first touch of his tongue against mine sent an electric shock through my body: my back arched off the seat, my hair sliding on the leather as my head rolled back. I could feel myself reaching up, not to push him away, exactly, just to maintain some control. But at the same time, it was like I was falling backwards into pink bliss. The hard press of his lips, the slow grind of his pecs against my breasts...why exactly did I need to maintain control, again?
His hand traced down my side and then up, underneath my sweater and vest top, and I groaned in shock as his fingertips skimmed over bare skin. He smoothed up my side, the warmth of his hand shocking, and then his hand was sweeping around to the front.
He slid his hand under my bra and suddenly my breast was in his hand, being rolled and softly kneaded, my nipple rasping against his palm. I swallowed, panted, and groped upwards, blindly, too far gone to open my eyes.
A hand closed around one of my wrists. Then it captured the other one and pressed them both down to the soft leather above my head.
I got that roller coasterdropagain. I wasn’t in control anymore.I should be scared.A part of mewasscared.
But I didn’t want him to stop.
The kiss changed, a slow grind of his lips against mine as his tongue sought me out and then freakin’ownedme. I was breathless, urgent in a way I’d never felt before. However hard he kissed me, I wanted it harder. I felt weak, damsel-fainting-in-a-corset weak, and all I could do was kiss back, like whispering into a hurricane. But every time I brushed the tip of my tongue against his, I felt his whole body go rigid. His chest vibrated as he full-ongrowled.The more he felt me lose myself in the pleasure, the more turned on he got.
He suddenly rammed my sweater and vest top up around my neck. My bra fought valiantly for a second to keep me covered. Then he grabbed it and pulled, there was a sudden snap, and I was completely bare. He lowered his head and licked at my nipple, bathing it in warmth and bringing it to quivering hardness. Every flick of his tongue sent a new wave of hot, tight pleasure strumming through my body. I tried to reach for him...but he still had my wrists pinned, and his grip was like iron.
That dark, forbiddenplungeinside me. I went floaty and breathless. I pushed against his grip again, a little harder, this time. My wrists lifted a fraction of an inch off the seat. Then his hand pressed them down even harder, and a dark ribbon of heattwisted straight down to my groin and made me crush my thighs together.God, what is this?
Radimir suddenly lifted his head. I blinked hazily and saw him staring down at me, his eyes molten. His hand stroked down my body to the waistband of my jeans...and he paused. He was giving me a chance to sayno.
But my pulse was like a bass drum crashing inside my head, drowning out anything else. I panted, staring up at him, and stayed silent.
I thought I saw his eyes gleam. Then he grabbed the front of my jeans and pulled,hard,and I felt the buttons on the fly pop open, and with a second jerk he dragged them down over my ass and hips, down around my knees. I felt the cool air of the car against my pussy lips and realized he’d pulled my panties down with them. I flushed as his eyes swept over me, drinking me in. Then he was unfastening his belt, shoving his pants down one-handed as his cock sprang free. He spread my knees, and I cried out as the head of him parted my slickened lips and plunged deep into me?—
Everything blurred, becoming frantic flashes of sensation. The silken stretch of his cock inside me, the pleasure making me arch my back?—
The weight of him between my thighs, pinning me?—
The silky rasp of his expensive shirt against my nipples as he thrust?—
Him flipping me over and pulling me up onto my hands and knees, then fucking me from behind, even harder, holding my wrists behind my backOH GOD YES?—
I bucked and trembled as an orgasm rolled through me, waves of pink pleasure that tumbled me into delightfully dark depths I hadn’t known were there. I finally surfaced, panting, and opened my eyes. I was in my bed, one hand in my soaked panties.
My heart was still slowing.What the hell was that?!I fantasized plenty but never about some random guy I’d only met for a few minutes. Sure, Radimir was hot as hell, but he was an actual, real-world gangster. If the stories were true, he’d killed people, or at leasthadthem killed. Why was I fantasizing about being whisked off in his car while he… I reddened.
It had been so real. My wrists still felt warm from where he’d gripped them. And what wasthatabout? I’d never wanted it rough before. Or at least, I’d never been conscious of it. But I couldn’t deny how the fantasy had taken hold of me. And now I felt gloriously floaty and relaxed, like the orgasm had wrung all the stress out of me.
I closed my eyes and felt myself sinking into sleep. But as I drifted downward, reality crept back in.
Baba was still sick. The store was still losing money. And I was still alone.
When I was a kid, I’d thought that someday, a prince would come and rescue me.
I’d thought Nathan was that prince. But all he did was make me realize the truth.
There are no princes.
“You need to get yourself a woman,”Valentin told me.