Page 77 of Frozen Heart
Radimir scrambled out after me. “What are you doing?”
“Going.”I adjusted my dress. “This is our only chance and if I don’t go now, I’m going to chicken out.” I held out my hand.
He looked stunned and then proud and then just utterly besotted. He grabbed my hand, squeezed it tight and we walked across the street towards the house.
What the hell am I doing,I asked myself. Then the doorman nodded to us, pulled open the door…
And we went inside.
For the first thirty seconds,everything was weirdly normal.
The owner of the townhouse had knocked a few rooms together to create a huge, high-ceilinged reception area. A beautiful wooden staircase curved up to the next floor and a chandelier hung overhead. By the door, a man in a suit and tie was standing behind a desk, checking names and IDs, and Radimir paid him what looked to be a hefty entrance fee in cash. Three couples were standing around, talking and laughing, and other than everyone looking seriously rich—I was suddenly very glad I’d gone to Rachel and got a makeover—it could have been any classy party. A waiter in a crisp white shirt offered us flutes of champagne and I grabbed one and knocked most of it back in one gulp.Okay. Okay, see this is okay? I can do this, it’s not so?—
A gorgeous woman about my age emerged from a doorway at the back of the room. She was in stockings, heels, and nothing else. I froze, a bunny in the headlights, as she strolled towards me. I crushed Radimir’s hand so hard in mine that it must have hurt.Do I look? Do I not look?I somehow wound up staring right at her bouncing boobs, watching them come closer and closer. Then, at the last minute, she turned and strolled up thestairs. I locked on to her naked ass for a few seconds and then managed to drag my eyes away and looked around. Everyone else seemed to be completely unphased.
I looked up at Radimir for help. He was glancing around the room. “Konstantin’s not here,” he said quietly. “Let’s try upstairs.”
We walked hand-in-hand over to the stairs, trying to look nonchalant. But a pretty, blonde-haired woman in a smart blouse and skirt stepped smoothly in front of us. “I’m afraid you’ll have to dress down to go upstairs.”
My stomach sank because I was fairly suredress downdidn’t meanjeans and a hoodie.
The woman pointed to the doorway at the back of the room. “You’ll find changing rooms through there.”
Oh crap.
We turned around and headed through the doorway. There were discreet silver symbols pointing men one way and women the other, like something out of a high-end spa. My heart was booming in my chest. The thought of walking around in my underwear was waking up every demon that had ever sat on my shoulder telling me I was too curvy, too pale, that there was too much of me. I stopped in front of the sign and looked down at our joined hands, not ready to let go.
Radimir brought our hands up and kissed my knuckles. “We can turn around and walk out of here,” he said firmly. “We can find another way.”
I loved him for that. But therewasno other way. I squeezed his hand...and let it go, marching off into the changing room before I could change my mind.
Inside, it was just like a changing room at a gym, but with lower lighting and a scented candle burning. A few other women followed me in and started undressing, which made it a littleeasier. I found a locker, unzipped my dress and slid it off. But that was the easy part.
I caught sight of myself in a mirror. The lingerie set I’d got from Rachel was absolutely gorgeous, the dark blue of the sky just as the first stars come out, with detail embroidered in delicate silver thread. The material was silky and felt amazing against my skin, with pretty lace edging. There was a bra, a pair of panties and a suspender belt. With stockings and my black heels, I had to admit it looked vampish and amazing...but I’d never planned on wearing it in public. I swallowed, staring at myself. It wasn’t just being nearly nude. It wasn’t just feeling huge and pale next to all the slender, tanned women getting changed around me. It was that, even fully dressed, I didn’t have the confidence to strut around with everyone looking at me. On the rare occasion I did go to parties, I stood in the corner. I felt the panic rise in my chest.This isn’t me! I don’t go to sex parties, I run a freakin’ bookstore!I glanced towards the door and just the thought of going upstairs dressed like this made my legs go shaky. I wasthisclose to putting my dress back on, yelling for Radimir and running.
Then a flash of metal in the mirror caught my eye. I looked down at my hand and saw my wedding band.
I was a geeky bookworm who ran a bookstore. But I was alsoMrs. Aristov.Andshewouldn’t be scared.
I felt something harden inside me. My spine straightened. The panic didn’t disappear, but it was sucked down deep.
I dug out a lipstick and touched up my lips. Then I locked my dress and purse in the locker and turned towards the door.Okay. I can do this.I took a step and then just kept going andGodit felt weird, wearing this stuff outside the bedroom, but then the doorway was coming up in front of me and?—
I emerged into the hallway and Radimir was right there waiting for me, in a pair of black jockey shorts and nothing else.He looked me up and down and his eyes became molten. He put his hands on my shoulders, and I could feel the tremble of raw lust: he was just barely controlling himself. He slid his hands up to cup my face and said, “You look like a goddess.” He leaned down and kissed me softly, then led me by the hand towards the main room.
I tried to focus on him to keep my panic in check. If I was a goddess he was most definitely a god: the slow sway of his wide shoulders as he walked, the broad, caramel swells of his pecs and that tight, hard midsection. I felt like nothing could hurt me, with him by my side.
We stepped out into the main room. There were three couples in their underwear, now, and only one newly arrived couple who were still dressed, which made it a little easier. But I still nearly stumbled as I felt the cool air of the big space brush over my near nakedness. And then everyone turned to look at us and for a second, I just wanted to disappear…
But it was like jumping into a swimming pool. There was a quick shock of cold and then, after a few seconds, it started to feel okay. People looked...but then carried on with their conversations. I felt the tension in my chest start to ease.
Radimir led me to the staircase again and, this time, the woman smiled at us and stepped aside to let us pass. As we climbed, we could hear voices and laughter from upstairs. And then another sound: rhythmic cries, rising steadily. I swallowed.Yep. That is the sound of someone being fucked.
“Sooo...people come here to, um...have sex with other people?” I mumbled. “I mean...with people not their partner?”