Page 12 of Now Streaming
Good god, his fucking voice. Coming from anyone else, the line would sound cheesy, like a bad online dating prompt. But his deep voice rumbled through her, his dark eyes twinkling and his unruly hair curling everywhere, and Min realized she forgot to breathe. She slowly exhaled, and his eyes went to her lips.
“Just remember you said that when I’m roasting you alive in front of millions of people.”
He smiled at that, a real smile that changed his whole face, and it suddenly occurred to Min that DeathsHead was handsome. Was actually kind of a hottie. And once the realization hit her, it was hard to unsee it. She couldn’t help but feel a slight panic. She didn’t want to think her biggest rival in the tournament was attractive. Honestly, didn’t really want to think of him at all, other than as another person to beat. This sudden noticing of him had to stop.
Luckily, Hayden didn’t seem to register her sudden change of mood, instead focusing on her challenge. His gaze was sinister as he looked down at her, too close.
“Baby, I can’t wait to watch you try.”
The train screeched to a stop, and still the woman slept, her head light on his shoulder. The video she had been watching had long ago played itself out and switched over to random, recommended viewing, somehow now playing ASMR content involving a snake. Hayden stayed where he was, telling himself he was avoiding the rush of the crowd who lurched out of their seats to grab their bags, eager to leave the train far behind them. Hayden didn’t know how Min managed to sleep through all the commotion. Her head was resting on his shoulder in a way that he knew she would absolutely hate if she was conscious. He was looking forward to her waking up and realizing, if only because the sight of her eyes flashing with anger was quickly becoming one of his favorite things.
People around him were politely jostling each other as they gathered their bags and filed out. Hayden let his eyes follow the guy across the aisle, the one who had very quickly backed off when Hayden made it clear he didn’t appreciate his interactions with Min. He especially didn’t like watching that dickwad take up space around her, sliding his elbow and legs and everything he could get away with against her, even when she very clearly told him to stop.
Hayden couldn’t stand guys who took more than was offered. So he had been itching to put Min’s seatmate in his place, even if it meant an impromptu visit to the cafe car.
Not that he would tell her that. They hadn’t started off on the best foot, and even on a good day, they were still competitors in a tournament they were both determined to win. Hayden had plans, ideas he had been working on for years, and the money from winning the tournament would go a long way to get his plans realized. He wasn’t about to do anything to jeopardize that.
Even if FlameThrower had turned out to be more interesting than he had expected.
Min’s head suddenly jerked and she sat up, blinking, finally noticing the people moving around her. When she focused on him, her eyes still dreamy from sleep, he very distinctly felt his cock twitch.
Which he promptly ignored. “We’re here, baby. Wake up.”
She looked around herself, still a little disoriented, but automatically went to pack her things, not even giving him shit for calling her ‘baby.’ Which was good, since he had no plans to stop.
Hayden stepped out into the aisle, shouldering his duffel. When she stepped out ahead of him, he took her bag from her and threw it over his other shoulder. She blinked, gaping at him.
“What are you doing?”
He ignored her. “Get moving. I’d like to get to the hotel before two am.”
Clearly too tired to argue, she followed the line toward the exit. But when they finally stepped out onto the platform she turned back to him, her hand out.
“Thanks, I can take it from here.”
He kept walking, and he knew she had to hurry to keep up with his long strides. He pulled out his phone and pulled up the rideshare app.
“They put you up at the Wayward?”
He nodded, ordering a car to pick them up, and didn’t stop walking until they were at the side of the street. The road was empty except for the others leaving the train. The night was dark, darker than LA ever managed to be, and the streetlamp was their only illumination. Out of his peripheral, he saw Min scrub her face with her hand, trying to wake herself up even more. And then she held out her hand again.
“Give me my bag.”
That surprised her, and he almost ruined it by smiling. She must be used to ordering men around, and he bet with that mouth of hers they jumped to do what she said. Too bad for her. Hayden had too many fond memories of FlameThrower’s voice screaming in outrage at him whenever he outsmarted her. And he was aiming to hear it again.
He could see the moment she relented.
“Fine. You can hold it until I get a cab here.” She pulled out her phone, and Hayden was quick to put his hand over the screen. She froze, tense, and he could kick himself for reminding her of the last time he went for her phone. He quickly pulled his hand back, shoving it into his pocket.
“I already called a rideshare,” he said as gently as he could. “We’re going to the same place, so it doesn’t hurt to split one.” He could see her hesitation, but she nodded, sliding her phone back into her pocket. She looked uncomfortable and he couldn’t think why, her eyes going anywhere but to him, obviously working up the nerve to say something. He found he couldn’t wait to hear what it was.