Page 31 of Now Streaming
When Hayden finally pulled himself from the deepest, most restful sleep he had had in a while, the first thing he noticed was the hair tickling his chin. He blinked his eyes open and managed to look down at himself without moving to see Min wrapped around him, her head on his chest and a smooth leg flung over his thigh. He had managed to pull a shirt over her head before she fell asleep the night before, but now it rode up toward her hips, leaving a lot of leg exposed to his gaze, her skin practically glowing where it rested against his sweatpants.
And then the memories came flooding back. Min in his clothes. Min moaning, biting her lip. Min naked and touching herself while he watched.
His already hard morning wood stirred, which Hayden expected. What he didn’t expect was the light squeeze to his dick, almost reflexive. Both of his hands were accounted for, one around Min and the other flung to the side, which meant Min’s hand had apparently slipped into his sweatpants sometime during the night and groped him in her sleep.
Fuck, she was gonna be so mad. Hayden let himself smile with anticipation. He knew that she was going to wake up and be incredibly awkward. She may have been the one to ask him to hold her, but the fire that had overtaken them both had been overwhelming. None of Hayden’s sexual experiences could even come close to it. But he didn’t know where that left them. After his ex had tried to out his real identity and with the onset of his anxiety, Hayden had basically sworn off serious dating until he was done with his streaming career. He didn’t trust easily, and that wasn’t going to change overnight. This thing with Min had to be short-lived, a simple convention fling. Something between friends to let off steam. He couldn’t let it be more than that, even if the woman plastered against him was slowly taking up a lot of his waking thoughts.
And if the thought of not seeing her after the convention left acid in his gut, he was just going to ignore it.
The head on Hayden’s chest stirred, pressing deeper into him as if chasing the last remnants of sleep, and he felt a sleepy hum against his skin. He shook off his thoughts, instead bringing his hand up to slide through her hair, playing with it as he watched her very, very slowly realize where she was, and who she was with.
Hayden had suspected she would bolt. Instead, she blinked up at him, her brown eyes sleepy and curious. That close, with her walls down, he could see the moment when she remembered what they did last night. A blush overtook her, and he could almost feel the heat of it course through her body where they were touching.
“Um,” she rasped, blinking at him, her body still soft against his. “Good morning?”
Hayden reached out and brushed her hair back from her face, keeping his eyes on her.
“Good morning.”
“Is my hand on your dick?”
He bit back a smile. Sleepy Min was pretty adorable. “It is.”
Her eyes moved to the curtained window where a few streaks of light came in, as if she couldn’t believe they were there. Her hand flexed on his dick again. Hayden wasn’t sure if she meant to, but before he had a chance to ask her hand was sliding away, pulling the comforter up until it covered everything but her eyes. She peeked at him, shy.
“I, um, might need some coffee.”
He laughed out loud at that, dropping a kiss on top of her head before he released her, hopping out of the warm bed.
“Coffee can be arranged.” He grabbed the phone on the nightstand, dialing up room service and pacing while he searched for the menu they must have tossed somewhere the night before. Min, meanwhile, stayed in the bed, cocooned under the covers. He felt her eyes on him as he paced. He had worn sweats to bed but had gone shirtless. He usually wore less, but last night he hadn’t been sure how Min was going to feel waking up in his bed after last night and all they had done.
He turned to watch Min while the phone rang in his ear. She was starting to peek out from under her covers. Her hair was wild, auburn waves everywhere as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. The comforter fell lower and she looked at the shirt she was wearing. She grimaced at the DeathsHead design, and Hayden couldn’t help but chuckle. FlameThrower wouldn’t be caught dead in her rival’s merchandise, and it had to rankle Min. Her eyes flew to his and she turned beet red, flipping him off.
Hayden loved that he knew she blushed.
“Hey, yes, we’re gonna need two coffees and some French toast,” he told room service when they answered. “Two orders.”
Min, ever the lover of breakfast, sat up straighter, whispering.
“Eggs. Bacon.”
He grinned. “Yes, with eggs and bacon as well. Thanks.” He hung up and stared at her, taking in the dark circles under her eyes and the nervous set of her mouth.
There was silence for a moment, and Hayden knew she was trying to think of what to say. At a loss, she peeked at herself underneath the comforter.
“I, uh, don’t have pants on.”
“I could only get the shirt back on you before you passed out.” His grin deepened, but otherwise he didn’t move, deciding to enjoy her discomfort. Her blush hit new heights, her eyes darting away from his, and Hayden couldn’t remember a time he had enjoyed waking up this much.
“Little help?” she asked.
He laughed at that, reaching into the dresser for a pair of sweatpants and tossing them to her. She quickly pulled them on under the covers, wiggling in a way that made the bed shake, and then pushed the covers down.
“The coffee is coming soon?”
“It’ll be a bit since I’m sure they’re getting a lot of orders this morning. Figured you’d prefer to stay in rather than fight over the last French toast at the buffet.”