Page 47 of Now Streaming
They somehow made it to the trolley, Hayden shoving his way in and pulling her with him. Min found herself sandwiched between him and over a hundred other people, everyone shoved into everyone else’s space, people everywhere. There were no seats available, standing room only as Min found herself trapped in the middle of the car next to one of the balance poles. She only had time to wonder if she’d even be able to find the room to breathe when the doors to the trolley shut, sealing them all in together. She tried to shuffle to get a little space, but there wasn’t really any to be had. Any direction she moved, she bumped into people.
Hayden’s arm came around her from behind, pushing her toward the pole while also pulling her so tight against him she could feel his hardness against her ass. His other hand landed on the pole in front of them, keeping them stable.
“Relax,” he whispered in her ear, his hand on her stomach as he anchored her against him. She grabbed the pole in front of her on instinct and glanced around them. No one was paying them any attention. Hell, no one was even able to see anything below their shoulders, they were all packed in so tight. She leaned back to whisper to him, praying her voice wouldn’t carry through the trolley.
“How can I relax when I can feel you?” She wiggled her butt for emphasis, not able to stop herself. His hand flexed on her stomach, the friction of his jeans on her backside feeling so perfect through her skirt that she bit back a frustrated moan. He froze, and Min could feel his mind working, like he was figuring something out. A soft chuckle hit her ear, sounding evil and seductive and delighted.
“Oh, Min,” he whispered. “I think I know one of your secrets.”
And then she felt his hand on her stomach slip lower.
She couldn’t see his face—there was no room to turn around, no room for any sort of movement. But his chest was pressed into her back, and she was so close the sides of his open hoodie came around her, pulling her deeper into his warmth. She sent another glance around her, reassured that everyone on the train was caught up in their own lives, chatting with their friends, singing nerdy songs, deep into several cocktails, and paying her and Hayden zero attention.
She cleared her throat, staring at the pole in front of her. “What are you doing?”
He didn’t answer, simply commanded. “Hold your backpack in front of you.”
She shifted her bag, realizing as he must have that it was big enough to block whatever movement his hand was about to commit from anyone who actually managed to see through the bodies pressed tightly together in the car. Combined with the sides of his hoodie engulfing her, even if anyone looked at them, they wouldn’t see more than a couple cuddling on the train. Min felt herself shiver as her imagination ran wild. She tried to grasp on to her quickly fleeing common sense. There were rules against something like this, right?
“Hayden, we’re on the trolley. There are a ton of people here.”
She felt his hot breath as he pressed his lips to her ear. “No one can see. They’re not paying us any attention, completely caught up in their own worlds. Not knowing that I’m over here dying to feel your pussy.”
His hand slipped even lower, more bold with her backpack covering him, and she felt his fingers attempt to tickle the inside of her thighs below the hem of her skirt. She instinctively held them close together, clamped tight with her desire and nerves.
His lips caressed her ear. “Baby, you need to help me out here.”
His voice dipped even lower as his hand stroked her thigh.
“Min, spread your fucking legs for me. Now.”
She felt her legs move before it registered what she was doing. His exhale of relief hit her ear as his hand finally slipped between her thighs, caressing her possessively as they moved higher up her body.
“Good girl,” he whispered in her ear, and she shivered.
His fingers softly brushed against her underwear before dipping inside to stroke her lightly with one finger. She bit her lip, her eyes everywhere as she tried to make sure no one was watching them.
“Goddamnit, Min. You are so fucking wet.”
She wondered vaguely if she was out of her mind for letting him touch her like this. But she also knew she wouldn’t stop him. Hayden’s touch was everything she craved, and a very surprised part of her brain told her that she trusted him. That was astonishing enough, considering she would never have agreed to something like this with Alex. But Hayden was different. He knew all about what her shithead ex had done and still wanted her with a need that pulsed through her. Last night she had felt how important it was to him to take care of her. Even here, on the trolley, with his hand in her panties, she felt cherished. Worshipped.
His fingers moved, stroking her slowly, the movement barely noticeable except on her clit, where he teased her with a rhythm that was driving her out of her mind. She shuffled her feet, bracing her legs even wider, clutching her bag in front of her like a lifeline. She stared at where his hand was gripping the balance pole, keeping them steady, and she licked her lips at the strength she saw in his hand. God, she had it bad. There was no real way to turn to look at him, but she could just imagine his face, the fake bored expression he was wearing to hide what they were doing. Her breath hitched as his hand stroked deeper.
“Min, you can’t come here. Not if you don’t want everyone knowing what we’re doing.” Even as he warned her, Min felt him slip a finger inside of her, stroking until he found a spot that made her nerve endings come alive. Attempting to look as innocent as possible, she pressed herself harder into his hand.
“I can be quiet,” she lied, and could feel his deep chuckle against her back as it rumbled through him.
“No, you can’t. You like to scream, and it makes me hard just thinking about it.”
“Then stop touching me so I can calm down.” She didn’t mean it. She’d probably let out a scream if he pulled his hand away, which would definitely turn heads. But he was being such a jerk about it that she couldn’t help but challenge him like she always did.
In response, he added a second finger inside her and increased his rhythm, pushing in and out of her so incrementally she thought she’d die. “I don’t want you calm, baby. I want you crying my name like a prayer. I want you on fire.”
Hayden’s fingers kept up their rhythm while his hips pushed her from behind. The feel of his erection had her biting her lip to keep a moan from slipping through. He kept rubbing, slowly, and a wave of arousal rolled through her entire body, landing on her center where he was stoking her flame. Her insides clenched, making her light-headed.