Page 59 of Now Streaming
“You were the only ones besides Hayden who knew.”
“Are you implying that we were behind the damage to your room? I hired you, Ms. Hayes. Why would I do that?”
A calm came over Min, grounding her and sending her clarity that she had lacked before this very moment.
“The company never wanted me to win. I’m a bad image for you, thanks to those fucking pictures. You just wanted me here to go up against DeathsHead. The problem is, I am damn good at this game. Probably the best, if I’m being honest. So maybe you had to do something to be certain I wouldn’t win and tarnish your precious competition. Nothing big, just something to scare me enough to drop out. Am I right?”
“That’s slander. I’d be careful repeating that to anyone.”
Min’s eyes ran over him, seeing the disgusting slime of his soul that he hid behind tailored suits.
“If I were you, I’d look into how ironclad that non-disclosure agreement is that you signed, because I know my lawyers will. And my guess is Hayden is going to have strong feelings about it when the truth comes out.”
Dylan looked at her with a calculation that Min knew in her bones he usually hid from people. He wasn’t going to concede anything, wasn’t going to admit anything, and she just had to deal with the fallout from this situation she had absolutely no control over.
Min took a deep breath and then gathered her bag. She had just enough time to change into her FlameThrower look before she had to report to the green room for the final bracket of the tournament. She steeled her spine and gritted her teeth, letting her anger power her.
Fuck Bleeding Sword. Fuck Dylan. Fuck whoever took those photos. And fuck Alex.
Min was going to win the tournament. She was going to keep the money, and pay for her sister’s medical bills, and get her life back in order. She was tired of men walking over her and calling the shots. It was time to take control, starting today.
And whatever happened, she would make it up to Hayden. Even if he never wanted to see her again.
Hayden strode into the convention center like a man on fire, Theo’s words been ringing in his ears. He had been pissed when he saw the crowd of protestors outside the usual entrance for the players in the tournament. Imagining how Min had felt seeing those assholes and their stupid fucking signs made his stomach churn. So, Hayden had ducked around, using a different entrance that was less populated, and then wound his way into the tournament area, heading for his private streaming bay. He kept his eyes open, noting the halls were empty and he was the only one there. He hadn’t run into anyone either time he had come here, but Hayden was always cautious.
When he finally approached the door to his bay, one with a simple “PRIVATE” sign posted outside, he stepped inside with relief. The company had kept their promises so far about keeping his identity secret, but there was always the chance that a quick encounter with a stranger could turn into a disaster. Since the pictures had dropped of him with Min, Hayden was paranoid that he could feel eyes on him at all times, his anxiety burning in his chest so hot his hands were tingling. But what felt worse every moment was the memory of Min’s face when she had told him about the photos. How stricken she had looked when he had shut down. How pale she was when she gathered her clothes and left, taking all her warmth and smiles and scent with her.
God, Hayden felt like an ass.
Distracted by his thoughts and self-loathing, Hayden didn’t notice until he was already in his bay with the door shut that one of the Bleeding Sword execs was there waiting for him. Dylan. The slimy one that made Hayden feel like he needed a shower. This was the last thing Hayden wanted today. He leaned his back against the closed door, crossing his arms, shooting Dylan a look full of nothing but poison.
“What do you want?” Hayden let his voice be cold. He didn’t like people in his space on a good day, much less this guy in his streaming bay where he was about to compete.
Dylan held out his hands as if to look innocent and instead ended up looking like the definition of a douchebag.
“Just checking in on you, big guy,” Dylan joked. “Hope you’re ready for this last round of battle.”
Hayden’s eyes narrowed. Something was up, and this Dylan guy was going to hedge around it until he could pass blame. Hayden didn’t like it. Didn’t like this man who pretended to be on the up and up and in reality wasn’t.
“I’m ready,” was all he said in response.
“Good, good. Should be a pretty easy victory from the looks of it, all things considered.” Dylan tapped his fingers to a rhythm that only annoyed Hayden more.
“What do you mean?” Hayden kept his voice even, knowing that he could unnerve people with it easily. Dylan seemed not to notice, which was stupid on his part.
Dylan guffawed. Actually guffawed. “Well, since the new photos came out, I’m guessing Flame doesn’t have her head in the game, and she was really your only competition. Should be smooth sailing from here. I’ve had the lawyers start to draw up the contract for your sponsorship with Bleeding Sword.”
“I haven’t won yet.”
“Only a formality, let’s be honest. I saw Ms. Hayes a moment ago and she certainly did not look like her heart was in this tournament. What with all the scandal she’s caused around the actual event, she’s lucky to even be here.” Dylan smirked then, as if he and Hayden shared a secret, as if Hayden was somehow part of this venom Dylan was spewing. And Hayden felt sick.
Dylan continued. “Besides, you’re the bigger draw. The shareholders weren’t very interested in sponsoring someone with her reputation. They took a lot of convincing just to let her enter.”
Hayden felt himself go still. “FlameThrower is one of the best players of this game you have. She is absolutely committed to this tournament. Some asshole leaking photos isn’t going to stop her.”