Page 67 of Now Streaming
“You did it, baby.”
His voice echoed everywhere, and it hit her that he was still wearing his mic around his neck. Her eyes widened as she realized he had just revealed who he was to everyone, his voice too deep and distinct for anyone to have doubts as to who he really was. Literally everyone watching them now had their phones out, filming them, taking pictures. She tried to pull away, but he caught her, pulling her close.
“I’m sorry,” he said, quieter than before but still into the mic. The arena got quieter, everyone holding their breath as they took in the real DeathsHead. “I shouldn’t have let you deal with the fall-out yourself. I’m an ass. Forgive me?”
She shook her head, not believing what he had done, that he was out there clearing her and holding her.
“Nothing to forgive, DeathsHead.”
He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close, his other hand on the nape of her neck, his lips now only a breath away from hers.
“The name’s Hayden.”
And then he kissed her. If the crowd was loud before, they were about to bring the roof down watching their two favorite streamers make out in front of them. And Min found she didn’t care, she just wanted to be wrapped up in Hayden, feel him everywhere, and not let him go.
He broke the kiss, pulling her tight and lifting her up in a bear hug that she felt in her bones. And then he kissed her, quick and possessive, before letting her go, keeping her hand in his. She turned a dazed look around them to see the judges and officials approaching her, the large ridiculous check already signed with her name on it, and Brad there to shake her hand. Dylan, thankfully, was nowhere in sight.
Min looked at Hayden, nothing but joy in her every cell. She gripped his hand tight as he smiled at her.
“You’re insane,” she told him.
He smiled back. “Insane for you, babe.”
Hayden had spent years imagining what it would be like when his real identity was revealed. Sometimes it was a nightmare, his face suddenly on a stream for everyone to dissect and judge and find wanting. Sometimes it was a defiant action, he revealed himself just before dropping out of streaming forever, going to live off the grid in the woods like a recluse. Sometimes he just exploded into nothingness, as if revealing his identity made him cease to exist. So, it was safe to say that this was nothing like how Hayden thought this would go.
And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
After their public display in the arena, Hayden pulled a dazed Min into the green room. Already, the TVs there were playing her win on a loop, including the footage of him running out to meet her. The sound wasn’t on, but Hayden could read the chyrons confirming his identity, both as DeathsHead and the man in the recent pictures with Min. He stared at the picture they splashed on the screen—his own face, with his name underneath. Everything he had fought against for years. He waited for his anxiety to take over, to feel the panic or numbness that always came when he faced a situation even remotely resembling this.
But there was nothing. He felt fine. A little relieved, to be honest.
He felt a squeeze on his hand and looked down to find Min’s wide eyes, still wearing her pink contacts that were filled with concern. For him.
“How you feeling over there?” She whispered it to him, but he could still hear the shake in her voice. “Any regrets?”
He was already smiling. “My only regret was letting you walk out of my hotel room.”
“You were in shock.”
“Doesn’t matter. I should’ve handled it better. There’s no excuse. I’m sorry.”
She leaned into him, and he was grateful for her weight, for her trust that she could lean on him.
“I can’t believe you did that. Everyone knows. I may vomit.”
He chuckled. “Don’t? Min, when it comes to you, I don’t care who knows. I don’t care what trends on social media, what trolls have to say, any of it. All I care about is you, by my side, kicking my ass on stream.”
A smile finally appeared on her face, and Hayden felt like he won the lottery. “I do love stomping you in front of an audience.”
They’re interrupted when a PA approaches them, looking both starstruck and nervous.
“Um, FlameThrower, and um…” He stopped, gulping, eyes large as he stared at Hayden clearly not knowing what to call him. Hayden held out his hand.