Page 62 of Missing Moon
Chapter Twenty-six
You Can’t Go Home Again… Mostly
Everyone’s gathered in the living room back at Mom’s house.
Dusk has volunteered to handle all the ‘arrangements’ for Dad, with Mom’s input, of course. She is open to the idea of her son staying with her. We’re all on board with that, too. Otherwise, Mom would be alone now.
She’s going along with Dad’s wishes. There’s not going to be an elaborate funeral. Just a viewing and a brief graveside ceremony. I doubt there are any other people in the world who’d want to attend who aren’t already in this room.
Of course, I now plan to visit my mother on the regular. A goal of once a month is perhaps optimistic, but I’m going to try. Shouldn’t be difficult considering I can get here from home in a few seconds whenever I want to. I’ll bring Mary Lou, too... and anyone else who wants to tag along.
Dusk and I are going to pour some money into this place, too. He did shockingly well for himself as a wandering artist. While he didn’t tell me exactly how much money he has, he implied he’s ‘quite comfortable.’ Guess they like art much more in Europe than we do here… or he got seriously lucky. Guess it’s also easier to save up money when you have no rent or mortgage to pay. He did show me some pictures on his phone of his paintings. And yeah, he’s really good.
I told Dusk and Mary Lou exactly what happened with Mom and why she was so spacey for so long. Though a crazy story, neither one of them doubted me and were incredibly relieved to have confirmation that Mom hadn’t suffered from mental illness or disease.
Yeah, so the future is going to be interesting, to say the least. Whether or not Mom ends up magically prolonging her life or not, I can’t say. She might just let nature take its course to reunite with Dad. Whatever she does, I’m going to make sure she’s part of my life from now on, for as long as she’s still walking the Earth...
I have a mom again, and I couldn’t be happier.
The End