Page 30 of Your Play to Call
My mind runs and jumps to conclusions. What the hell am I supposed to do? Willow and I aren’t exclusive. I didn’t ask Bailey to come here.
Maybe this thing with Willow isn’t meant to be? I scoff at the thought. Meant to be? Who am I? I don’t even believe in that shit.
There’s a part of my brain that itches. The part that always wondered if I’d end up with Bailey. We’d both just realize one day that what we had was enough. Maybe we were all we needed?
Before I can spiral any further, Bailey walks out of my bedroom. She’s wearing matching pink satin pajamas, her long blonde hair damp. Gorgeous as ever.
“Ahh, so much better.” She sighs, standing in front of me on the couch, stretching with her arms above her head, side to side. I smile at her, and she takes that as the greenlight to straddle me before wrapping me into a hug.
“I’ve missed you. It’s been forever,” she says into my neck.
“I know.” I hug her back. I do miss her. Bailey’s one of my only friends from college I still talk to. Hell, she’s one of my only friends I made in college. Period.
She kisses my neck before finding my mouth. I kiss her back. Just long enough to realize she’s not the one I want to be kissing. Alarms go off in my head.
I look at her draped across me, and I know this isn’t what I want.
I move my mouth from hers and lightly grab her shoulders. I push her back a little.
“I’m sort of seeing someone.” The words fly out of my mouth.
“What?” She looks at me, questioning what I said. Probably because in all the years we’ve known each other I’ve never said those words to her.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know if you just wanted to hang out or catch up.”
“Why are you apologizing? I’m the one who just threw myself at you without asking.” Her cheeks flush with heat as she looks away, which only makes me feel worse.
“Bailey. You know it’s not like that,” I plead.
“Why didn’t your mom say anything?”
“Well…” I don’t know how much I want to share.
“She doesn’t know.” She sits back further on her heels wearing a look of understanding.
“It’s new, okay? And I don’t ever fucking do this. I didn’t know youwere coming.”
“Tripp, it’s okay. Really it is.” She cracks her knuckles and stares at her hands. “Who is she?”
“Ummm… The thing is. I don’t—”
“God, Tripp. If you didn’t want me here, you can just be a man and say it.” Bailey stands up and is halfway towards my room before I catch up to her.
“It is not like that. It’s…” I take a long breath. “It’s Willow.”
“Willow who?” she snaps back.
“Willow. Like… Super Bowl halftime show Willow.” My voice is small.
“No way. How do you go from dating no one to dating the queen of pop music? I saw your whole stunt with Champagne and the asking her out, but I thought it was just you being you.”
“Believe me, I’m also surprised.” I laugh.
“Well, the least you can do is make me a drink and give me the details.”
“Are you sure?” This is uncharted territory, talking about another woman with Bailey.