Page 65 of Your Play to Call
“It’s still rough, lots of work to be done, and things to smooth out.”
“Your rough version is better than many people’s polished. Seriously.”
“That is one of the kindest things someone has said to me. Thank you.” And it is. People tell me the music is good, the lyrics make sense, they feel something. Tripp has given me such lovely feedback in just a few minutes after a couple songs.
“I know you don’t like playing things early but thank you. I won’t forget it. Especially when the new stuff is all over the radio, taking over the world. I’ll know I was one of the people to hear it first.”
“Tripp Owens. What am I going to do with you?” I say with flushed cheeks as he reaches for my hands.
“Well, first, I say we soak our troubles away in the hot tub. And then, I have a few other ideas.” He smirks, mischievous and gorgeous, all at once.
Chapter 35
If I thought thingsgot wild after I very-publicly asked Willow out, I don’t know the word for whatever the fuck is going on now.
People hang out by my apartment, trying to get a glimpse of us out together, doing literally anything. Per Willow’s security team, we’ve hired a few more people for the time being.
Every day, ten new headlines pop up, still using pictures from Willow at the first game and our breakfast date. Most of them make me eye-roll, laugh, and then text my mom to make sure she knows it isn’t true.
That part sucks.
But there’s a part of the press or media frenzy who have chosen to focus on the positives. Plus, Willow’s massive fan base has latched on to these and they seem to get more traction than the bullshit ones.
Willow and Tripp – From Super Bowl to Super Cute Couple
Tripp Owens with the Catch of His Life: Willow
These are the types of headlines that make me want to drop everything and spend all my time with Willow. Even though it’s impossible.
Since we’re no longer a secret, Willow has been at my place almost every night this week. She even rented some studio space in the city. The commute back and forth to her place isn’t short. The fact that she’d rather work on her new album at a studio closer to my place makes my heart hurt, in a good way.
Honestly, my trainers haven’t seen much of me these last few weeks. I’m doing everything team related but I’d typically have moreone-on-one during my “off time”. It’s the cost I must pay to spend more time with the beautiful woman posted up at my apartment.
Tonight, we have a charity Gala hosted by the Cosmos owner. It’s for a new charity dedicated to the well-being, health, and safety of animals. All I know is that there will be dogs there. Also, Willow is going with me.
Emilie called me to line up all the glam team details for today. It was easier once she explained what the hell a glam team was. I look at my watch and bet they’re still in my apartment.
I open my apartment door to see, what I’m guessing, is the glam team on their way out. They smile and tell me to have fun tonight. The only one I recognize is Claire, her manager. And I don’t think she’s there for hair and makeup.
Once everyone is gone, besides Claire, and before I can look for Willow, she walks into the living room. My feet are planted to this floor. I can’t move. She looks fucking incredible.
Her dress is black, but a mix of fabrics. The top is structured, tight to her body, while the bottom is fluffy layers of chiffon. When you’re an only child and your dad is a dead beat, you spend a lot of time with your mom, learning words like chiffon.
“There he is,” Willow says as she walks to me.
“You look—Wow.” I reach for her hand and twirl her once she accepts. Her laugh fills the penthouse and it’s the most beautiful sound. “This dress is stunning.”
“Thank you. It’s an up-and-coming designer. Emilie made the connection, they sent the dress, and I knew I had to wear it tonight. I love it.” She picks up layers of chiffon letting them rise and fall.
“You should be all set for tonight. I know you’re sitting with Zack, maybe a couple other singles. I didn’t want some random plus one beingall nosy at your first major event together,” Claire says as she lays out the game plan.
“You’re the best. Thanks for knocking out some stuff while I was getting ready,” Willow says to Claire, grabbing her hand.
“For sure. Don’t let Emilie get wild tonight,” Claire says. I know Emilie is going to be sitting at a table near us. Each player had some extra tickets to give out because a packed gala means more money for the charity. Emilie was an easy invite. We asked Claire if she wanted to come and she scoffed at us and actually never answered. Long story short, she won’t be making it.
Claire is still working on the label when it comes to Willow’s new tour. Seems like she handles a lot of the behind-the-scenes things, especially when Willow is in the recording stage.