Page 76 of Your Play to Call
My jaw drops.
“Absolutely not. What are you even doing here?” I shake my head from side to side and cross my arms. I don’t even want to turn to face him.
“Will. Come on.”
“Don’t. Call. Me. That.”
“I don’t think we’ve been introduced. I’m Tripp. Guessing you’re Dexter?” Tripp stands up from the booth and puts his hand out for a handshake—one this man doesn’t deserve.
Dexter doesn’t even pay attention to Tripp. He just stares at me. My skin crawls.
“How did you even know I was here?” I say through gritted teeth. Tripp is beside himself that Dexter wouldn’t shake his hand.
“I, ugh, saw it. Online. Thought I’d take a chance and see if it was true.” He rubs his hands on his pants.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I say, and Tripp’s face says it all.
“It’s time for you to go,” Tripp says, stepping closer to Dexter. His voice is still quiet. I know he’s trying to not cause a scene.
“I can’t believe you. What do you want from me? Haven’t you taken enough?”
“You won’t answer my phone calls. I don’t think you’re staying at the apartment. What else am I supposed to do?”
“Not this. You’re certainly not supposed to do this.” I wish he’d leave. The balls on this man to come in here and do this, not shake Tripp’s hand, and continue to ask me questions. I don’t owe him anything.
“I told you, I thought we’d end up together. Ever since we talked a few weeks back, I just want to clear some things up.” Dexter’s voice sounds whiny and annoying to my ears.
Tripp doesn’t know that I’d talked to Dexter. I didn’t think it was even worth bringing up. I can see a flash of confusion on Tripp’s face.
This is unreal. Tripp puts his hand on Dexter’s shoulder, trying to turn him.
“Don’t touch me,” Dexter says, putting his finger in Tripp’s face.
“Then get the fuck out of here. You weren’t invited and she wants you to leave,” Tripp says.
“Dexter. I can’t believe you think this is okay. It’s not. You followed a sleazy internet tip to ambush me. I’ll tell you again, just like I told you during our very brief phone call, leave me alone. Don’t call me. Don’t text me. Don’t come by my apartment or anywhere else you’ll think I’ll be.”
He runs his hands through his hair. It seems like he thought this would go a different way.
“I can’t believe this is it. It’s just… I…” he tries to keep going. His eyes are glassy. I know he’s about to cry.
For a moment, the anger subsides and all I feel is pity. Dexter isn’t dangerous and he’s not a stalker. He seems lost.
The manager approaches the table, knowing something isn’t quite right.
“Is everything okay here?” he asks.
“Yup. Dexter was just leaving.” Tripp claps a heavy hand on Dexter’s shoulder.
“Willow. I still love you,” he says in the tiniest voice.
“No, you don’t. You think you love me, but you don’t.” A flash of understanding shows on his face. What I’m saying is resonating. “And Dexter, even if you did? You don’t do this to people you love.”
Dexter nods and slowly turns. When he’s about to walk out of the building, Seth is there to greet him. I’m sure they’ll have a nice chat.
“So, that’s Dexter,” Tripp says as he sits back down.
I wipe a tear from each of my eyes. My brain tries to process what just happened while every inch of my skin is flushed. I shiver with rage and embarrassment. I can’t believe he showed up here like that. For someone who did everything he could not to be seen in public with me, he sure knows how to flip the script and make a scene.