Page 63 of Your Rule to Break
My stomach pinches as I take in Zack, what he’s saying, how he says it. I try to keep my words to myself and give him the room to keep going.
“I texted him and the message didn’t go through, like his phone is off or it’s on airplane mode.” He starts boxing up his leftover food in the takeout box. “This isn’t like him. Definitely out of the norm.”
Now, if this were my parents, it would be the norm for one to not know where the other was or what they were doing. Their lives are barely connected at this point. From what I saw, even in the one family dinner with the Andersen’s, they’re close—which makes this situation very different.
“That’s scary,” I say, reaching over and grabbing his hand for a few seconds. “What can I do?”
Zack takes a deep breath and sighs out, his lips blowing out with the air. “Give me five minutes to call my sister. And then let’s go to the second part of my surprise.” His voice is far away.
“Wait, I thought this was the second part?” I look down at the half of my burger that will either be a perfect snack for late tonight or lunch tomorrow.
Zack rolls his eyes and says, “EJ, this is a cheeseburger. Not a surprise.” He puts his hand on his chest, and I’m thinking about how it would feel to touch him there—my hands, his chest, and his muscles.
“I’m better than that.” He takes his phone out of his pocket and gives me a side-eye. He’s got the phone to his ear and is out the door before I can ask another question.
Obviously, I know he’s better than that.
Chapter 33
“Why are we parkedoutside of a place called Pulse and Needle?” Emilie asks, reading the neon sign.
I look at the sign then back to her again, wanting her to figure it out.
“Wait. Your surprise is tattoos? Is this a tattoo shop?” She leans forward, hands on her knees in the front seat of my Jeep.
I clap my hands, borderline too loud for the inside of a vehicle, but I can’t help it. I’m so damn excited.
“I saw your face when you asked my parents about theirs. If you don’t want to get one, you don’t have to. You have an appointment, but it’s completely up to you.”
Her mouth hangs open, and I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. All I know is how bad I need a distraction from whatever the fuck is going on with my family. I called my dad, it went straight to voicemail. I got a hold of my sister, and she’s pretending not to panic but I know her too well to fall for that shit.
Bottom line is that my dad is a grown man. Maybe he got held up at work or he’s out with a friend and his phone is dead. It’s only been a few hours. Now is not the time to panic or jump to conclusions.
I give myself the same talk I gave to my mom and sister twenty minutes ago.
Emilie unbuckles her seatbelt and says, “Yes. Let’s do it.”
A wave of excitement hits me, taking the edge off the worry that’s been like a weighted vest.
After getting checked inand Emilie deciding on what she wants, it’s clear she’s about to jump out of her skin with excitement. It’s like she’s buzzing—she fidgets and talks ridiculously fast, and the smile won’t leave her face.
“You don’t have to stay with me. If you want to check in with your family,” she offers, her cheeks pink.
I check my phone—still no messages or calls from anyone. “Are you sure?” I act like I’m contemplating her suggestion.
“One hundred percent. I’m good here.”
By the look of it, she’sfucking greathere. In the tank top she wore under her quarter zip, she’s grinning as the tattoo artist places the stencil on her skin.
“Let me know if you need me, ok?”
I leave Emilie behind, to do something she’s always wanted to do. Not because I’m going to call my family, but because I’m getting a tattoo of my own.
And it’s not something I’m ready to share. With anyone.
“You’re like the humanversion of a glowstick,” I say to Emilie as she walks into our private waiting area. There’s something electric about the way she moves.