Page 131 of Burning Embers
Huffing, I get to work on my own painting. Itriedto paint a scenic landscape I saw on the internet, but I’m afraid the picture resembles a series of blobs and colors more than anything else. Trees can go fuck themselves. Every time I try to create one, Ieither make the trunk too thin or the branches too thick. The result is…well… Maybe I can claim that this is an alien planet?
I’m in the process of painting white waves on my ocean when I become aware of eyes on me.
I turn towards Reid with an arched eyebrow, but he simply narrows his eyes at my masterpiece of a painting.
“Why thefuckare you drawing little penises in your ocean?”
I gape at him. “I’m not drawing penises! They’re waves!”
“Why do they have ball sacks?” He appears genuinely befuddled.
“There are no ball sacks… Oh wait.” I frown as I consider the painting with fresh eyes.
Now that he mentioned it, my attempt to create waves cresting the shoreline does appear a little ball sacky.
Reid chuckles, a dark, delicious sound that amplifies the heat in my stomach, turning it into a raging inferno.
“And are those mutant aliens?” Reid continues, using his own paintbrush to point at my painting.
I huff indignantly. “Those are trees.”
“Why do they have arms? And legs? And eyes?”
“Those are trunks and branches and little chipmunk holes,” I declare with a pleased grin. “Now, let me see yours. It’s only fair.”
I swivel on my stool to get a look, but Reid very purposely tilts his canvas away from my line of sight.
“Nope,” he grunts simply.
“Reid…” I stand and place my hands on my hips.
“Sit your cute ass down,” he barks, already dismissing me.
No way in hell.
He thinks my ass is cute?
Butterflies swarm in my belly.
“Let me see it,” I singsong.
“I’m going to see it no matter what you do.” I shrug nonchalantly. “Might as well save us both the trouble and let me look at it now.”
Quick as a whip, I move so I’m directly behind him, but he shoulders his way forward so he’s blocking my view of his painting.
“Real mature,” I huff.
“No means no.”
“Reid…” I growl, though I can’t help but think the noise sounds pathetic in comparison to his rumbly voice.