Page 142 of Burning Embers
His lips twitch, but he doesn’t allow them to stretch into a full-fledged smile. “Yes. Ashton. Ashton James.”
Ashton is Mr. Montgomery’s brother?
I study my vice principal carefully, searching for any similarities to the asshole, but find none.
Is he pulling my leg?
“Half brother, technically,” Mr. Montgomery continues, obviously seeing the confusion on my face. “Same mom. Different dads.”
“Oh.” I debate what to say next but decide it’d be a dick move to tell him, “I’m sorry your brother is an asshole.”
“I also heard that you’re turning eighteen soon.” Mr. Montgomery’s eyes sharpen on my face, becoming unreadable. His fingers begin to tap against the desk repeatedly. “Has my brother or his friends talked to you about that yet?”
My brows bunch together. “Talk to me about what?”
Irritation flickers across his face, there and gone before I can comment on it. “They haven’t said anything to you?”
“About what?” Now,I’mthe one getting irritated.
What is this about?
“Nothing.” Mr. Montgomery shakes his head. “It’s nothing. They just…love birthdays.” He absently scratches at his jawline, which I’m beginning to think is a nervous habit of his. “But I want you to know, Isabella, that you can come to me with any questions or concerns.”
His earnest eyes ensnare my own, and I feel the strangest sensation of falling, tumbling, spinning head over heels. Heat rushes through me and congregates in my stomach.
“Um…yeah. Sure. Okay.” I quickly look away, unable to hold eye contact for a second longer.
His penetrating gaze seems to burrow its way beneath my defenses in a way that terrifies me.
I remind myself for the one millionth time that he’s my vice principal, not some high school boy for me to crush on.
The bell rings overhead, signaling the end of classes for the day. The noise seems to startle Mr. Montgomery, who jumps about a foot in the air, brought out of his internal musings.
He shuffles some papers on his desk and clears his throat. “I think that’s all I needed to discuss with you. You’re free to leave.”
I reach down to grab my backpack and then head towards the door.
Just before I exit the office, however, Mr. Montgomery’s raspy voice reaches me. “Remember, Isabella. You can come to me with any questions. The others may be hesitant to answer them, but I don’t agree with leaving you in the dark.”
As I step out of the office and into the hallway, I can’t help but replay Mr. Montgomery’s last words over and over in my head.
What did he mean?
Why does he think I’m in the dark?
And who, exactly, are the people keeping secrets from me?
Idon’t like using the word “crush.” It sounds so…inconsequential, so trivial, so tame. People in my school throw that word around so often that it has begun to lose its meaning.
Brittany has a crush on Tyler.
Tyler has a crush on Abbie.