Page 152 of Burning Embers
I exchange a glance with Jake, and as one, the two of us hurry downstairs.
Hale and Gerry stand in the foyer, facing off against Ethan, Emery, Reid, and Ashton.
Emery, surprisingly, seems to be leading the charge, his features twisted in rage and his cocksure smile nowhere to be seen.
“You don’t understand—” Emery begins.
“No,youdon’t understand,” Hale hisses.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen my foster dad so angry before. It’s written in every line of his visage, from the wrinkles bracketing his eyes to his pursed lips.
“Now isn’t the time?—”
“He’s going to hurt her, just like he did the others!” Emery explodes.
Hurt her?
What is he talking about?
What others?
“That’s a serious accusation,” Gerry says calmly, folding his arms over his chest. His leather jacket creaks with the movement.
Ashton notices me first, though I’m not surprised. Despite his obvious hatred towards me, he seems attuned to every little move I make. When I shift in the cafeteria, his eyes zero in on me, and a pucker manifests between his brows. When I walk down the hallway with Desiree and the others, he stops whatever conversation he’s having to just…stare at me, his dark gaze cold and assessing. I feel as if I’m on display—a butterfly pinned between two slides and shoved beneath a microscope.
He clears his throat, and Emery stops talking almost immediately, his chest heaving and a red flush crawling up his neck.
“Emery? Ethan? Reid? What are you guys doing here?” I give Ashton a passing glance. “And why did you bringhim?”
Ashton rolls his eyes at my childish antics but doesn’t comment. Good.
Emery’s entire body seems to sag when he sees me, and he races forward, all but shoving Jake out of the way in the process. He pulls me into his arms and rests his cheek on top of my head. I don’t know what to do, so I leave my arms limp by my sides.
“You’re okay. Thank fuck,” he breathes.
“Um…yes? Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I’d like to know that as well,” Ass-ton says dryly. “Emery seems to believe that your life is in danger, but he wouldn't give us more information than that.”
“My life is in danger?” I push Emery back just enough to search his arresting green eyes. “What are you talking about?”
“Look, I don’t really know how to explain this without giving you all the details…” Emery gives my shoulders a squeeze that borders on painful.
“Maybe you should give herallthe details,” Hale murmurs, but his voice is soft, almost as if he didn’t mean for me to hear that errant comment.
“Or maybe it’ll be better for everyone if we left Isabella alone,” Anal Bleach says in a bored, almost indolent tone.
Ethan spins to face their fearless leader. “Do you have to be such an asshole?”
Cum Stain’s eyes narrow. “This is exactly what I’m talking about. She’s tearing us apart.”
“Or maybeyou’retearingusapart,” Ethan bites out. “We don’t even feel like a pack anymore, let alone a family!”
“Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on and why you think I’m involved?” All I can focus on is the whole “your life is in danger” spiel Emery just gave me.
Thatdeserves my attention, not all of this goddamn bickering.