Page 34 of Burning Embers
A second later, she’s on me like damn mold, her manicured hand grasping my bicep and pulling me to a stop.
“Ethan,” Desiree greets with barely veiled disdain.
She stares at me like I’m the shit under her boot, and I can say with utter confidence that the feeling’s mutual.
“It’s Emery,” I growl, despite the fact she knows that already. She just likes to purposely mix up our names to prove to us time and time again that we’ll never be anything to her.
There was a time long, long ago when I thought Desiree was attractive. But then again, volcanoes are hot, and I don’t want to stick my dick in any of those.
Her brown hair cascades in perfect ringlets down her back, held in place by a white headband with a similarly colored rose on the side. She wears a pleated skirt that stops just above her knees, a white blouse, and a dark blazer. I’ve heard more than one student claim that she’s the epitome of schoolgirl porn.
That mere thought makes me want to gag.
What self-respecting man or woman would want to fuck the devil herself?
“How’s my favorite wolf shifter doing?” she asks with a saccharine-sweet grin, brushing a strand of perfectly curled hair behind her ear.
“What do you want, she-bitch?” I lean against my locker with a scowl. “Did you just want to spend time in my company?”
All at once, her fake smile fades, replaced by her trademark glower that has lesser men pissing themselves. Fortunately for both of us, I’m immune to her ire.
“Oh please.” She scoffs and rolls her eyes. “Don’t go thinking that I’ll ever develop feelings for you and the rest of the Lost Boys. Honestly, it’s insulting. I’d rather fuck a rusty spoon for the rest of my life than have any of you ever touching me.”
She smooths a hand down her blouse, ironing out imaginary wrinkles, as I grimace.
That was one visual I really, really didn’t need in my head.
She absently glances over her shoulder at Mimi and Emilia, who are watching our exchange like it’s the most exciting tennis match they’ve ever seen. Desiree flicks her fingers lazily, and the two girls immediately step out of earshot.
How the fuck is Desiree able to do that? Innately command other wolves without so much as a word? I know it’s not because Mimi and Emilia respect her. I mean, who the hell can respect a two-legged goat who sucks the blood out of children every full moon?
Yeah, yeah, I may be exaggerating just a little bit, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Desiree partook in such rituals.
Only when Desiree’s sure that she won’t be overheard does she focus back on me, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring. “We need to talk.”
“Isn’t that what we’re doing?” I quirk an eyebrow. “Or are the words coming out of your mouth the screech of a banshee announcing the death of everyone in the immediate vicinity?”
She doesn’t even blink at my insult. “Is this your attempt at humor, Elias? Because let me be honest… It stinks. Or maybe that’s just your body odor. Hard to tell.”
I grit my teeth together and work to modulate my breathing.
Fucking Desiree.
She continues talking before I can get a word in edgewise.
“We need to talk about how we’re going to behave this year.” She straightens her spine almost imperceptibly and runs a hand down her skirt. “I want you to officially announce our mating. And I want you four to be my boyfriends at school.”
For a moment, all I can do is stare at her in slack-jawed disbelief. Then a bark of dry, humorless laughter escapes me, the noise slipping past my lips unbidden.
“What type of weed have you been smoking?” I shake my head at her in disgust. “There’s no way in hell we’re doing that.”
All of that was stipulated in the deal we made with Desiree’s father. We have until we graduate high school to savor our freedom before we’ll be forced to tie ourselves down to Desiree for the rest of our miserable lives.
Fuck, how things have changed…
When Ethan, Ashton, Reid, and I were revealed to be pack members once we reached puberty, we were ecstatic. The four of us have been best friends for as long as I can remember. Everyone knew we would be connected together in a way that defies all logic.