Page 41 of Burning Embers
The fluttery sensation in my stomach refuses to dissipate, even after I step into the office. I have to put my hand over my belly in a futile attempt to…
Towhat?Beat the butterflies to death? Quell the rising nausea?
I can say with certainty that I’ve never had a crush before—outside of Grayson, at the very least. I’ve been to dozens of schools, and probably had just as many boyfriends and partners, but I can’t remember ever having these so-called “butterflies.” My hands have never turned damp with anxiety. And my heart has certainly never raced like it wanted to break free of my chest.
What is it about those twins that elicits such a reaction from me? Sure, they’re good-looking, but I’ve met a lot of handsome men over the years. They’re so different from each other, though. You would think I would like one more than the other, but?—
I mentally shove all thoughts of Emery and Ethan to the back of my mind. Then, to ensure they won’t creep back to the forefront unbidden, I erect a concrete wall between my currentthoughts and them. I refuse to continue fantasizing about two guys I’ve only just met.
Talk about creepy.
I take a deep breath, fiddle with the strap of my backpack, and then step farther into the office.
It’s like every other office I’ve seen throughout the years. A single desk rests in the very center of the room, which I assume belongs to the school's secretary. Right now, though, it’s empty, though I see a mug of still-steaming coffee beside the computer. Behind the desk is a long hallway that more than likely branches out into smaller offices and meeting rooms. To the right of the desk is the principal's office—a Mrs. Hendricks—and to the left is the vice principal's office, though I’m unable to see that name plaque.
Mainly because a tall man is leaning against the wall beside the open doorway, watching me.
No, not a man.
A student. Probably a senior. He’s certainly too young to work in the school, at least at first glance.
I try to ignore the feel of his gaze on me as I stand in front of the abandoned desk, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot.
Where is the secretary? In a meeting? Should I knock on the principal's door? Should I sit in one of the chairs against the far wall and wait for her to return?
I settle on the latter, claiming a seat as far away from the man as possible and taking out the new phone Hale bought me. Already, there’s a text blinking on the screen from an unknown number.
We have third and fourth period together! Woot!
This is Emery, btw.
From the hallway.
But of course, it’s impossible to forget my handsome face.
This last text is followed up by a flurry of winky and heart emojis.
I stifle my laughter as I respond.
Huh. I think I know who you are. Are you that guy with the red mullet and beard that touches his ankles?
Nah. My hair’s actually white, and I wear a robe and have a magic wand.