Page 80 of Burning Embers
The next few days are relatively uneventful. I’m so far behind in my coursework that I don't get a lot of opportunities to talk to any of my new friends during the day. Most class periods are spent with my head buried in a textbook, and during lunch, I use the time to catch up on all of my missing assignments.
I sit with Ethan, Emery, Ashton, Jake, Kain, and Dec during lunch. Desiree joined us one time, but when the conversation became awkward and stilted, she excused herself and promised to text me later. I don’t know what everyone’s deal is with her, but I also don’t want to ask.
The thought that Ethan, Emery, or Ashton might have dated her once upon a time leaves a sour taste in my mouth. However, I can’t ignore the fact that I first saw her standing by Emery, leaning against his locker.
But then I tell myself that I’m being stupid, that I barely know the guys, and Ashton only seems to semi-tolerate my presence. Any and all irrational feelings of jealousy dissipate like flaky ash in a breeze.
I haven’t seen Reid since that very first day, and I don’t dare ask anyone where he is. I have the distinct impression he’s skipping school because of me, which makes me feel self-absorbed.
Yet I can’t help but feel as if I offended him somehow.
I move through the hall towards my last period of the day—Yearbook. It’s the only class I don’t have with any of my new friends. Ansel—my asshole lab partner—is in that class, but so far, he’s been acting as if I don’t exist. Then again, he does that with everyone. I’m pretty sure the icy boy doesn’t have any friends.
I’m surprised when I step inside the classroom to see an unfamiliar man sitting behind the teacher’s desk. Our usual teacher—Mrs. Kingsley—is a mousy woman with light-brown hair, gray eyes, and a protruding pregnant belly.
I wonder if she has finally gone into labor, and I can’t help but feel a tiny thrill at the thought. Mrs. Kingsley is one of the kindest teachers, and I know she’s been counting down the days until she gives birth.
I eye the substitute inconspicuously as I take a seat behind one of the computer monitors.
The man appears to be in his mid-thirties and has sandy-colored hair that curls around his ears. A wide, open smile lights up his face as he reclines back in his seat. He’s handsome, I suppose, for an older man. Behind him, written on the whiteboard in messy block letters, are the wordsMr. Remington.
“Is it just me, or is the new teacher really hot?” KD claims the seat next to me and offers me a wide smile.
KD—or KayDianna—is a pretty girl with chestnut-colored skin and wavy black hair. What first drew me in were her kind eyes. I don’t think this girl has a mean bone in her body. She’seven nice to Ansel, even though he stares at her as if she’s a piece of shit he stepped on.
KD’s words finally register, and I turn to stare at the teacher once again. Yeah, he’s handsome, but hot?
“He’s old enough to be your dad,” I murmur, wrinkling my nose.
She giggles. “You don’t have a daddy kink?”
I actually laugh out loud at that. KD may be one of the sweetest people ever, but she has a supremely dirty mind.
I can’t help but notice that Mr. Remington’s nose has scrunched up in disgust, almost as if he heard our conversation. But that’s impossible, considering we sit at the very back of the classroom while he remains at the front of it.
“What are you two giggling about?” Ashlinn, KD’s best friend and fellow senior, moves to claim her seat on the opposite side of KD.
Ashlinn’s pretty as well, but more in a prim, traditional way. Her light-brown hair is perfectly straight and is cut to just below her chin. If KD has kind eyes, then Ashlinn has mischievous ones. She always looks as if she’s seconds away from starting trouble.
“The hot teacher,” KD answers with another giggle.
Ashlinn wrinkles her nose—the expression almost mirroring Mr. Remington’s. “He’s old enough to be your dad, KD.”
“That’s what I said!” I exclaim.
“Besides.” Ashlinn folds her hands primly on top of her desk, just in front of her computer’s keyboard. “His tits aren’t large enough.”
The three of us break into laughter.
Ashlinn has made it extremely clear where her preferences lie when it comes to sexual and romantic partners. She actually has something going on with Emilia, one of Desiree’s best friends, who I still have yet to meet.
The bell rings, signaling the beginning of class, and Mr. Remington unfolds himself from his chair to smile at us all.
“Hello, everyone.” He claps his hands together in excitement. “My name is Mr. Remington, and I’m going to be your sub for the next few weeks. As some of you know, Mrs. Kingsley gave birth earlier this morning and will be on maternity leave.”
A few of the girls coo at that, happy for Mrs. Kingsley.
“Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I never took a Yearbook class in my life.” Mr. Remington winces apologetically. “But I’m going to do the best I can to help you all until Mrs. Kingsley returns.” His gaze sweeps over the entire room, and I swear it stops on me a second longer than anyone else. His smile falters for a fraction of a second before he quickly forces it back into place. “Mrs. Kingsley told me in her teaching notes that an Ansel Whitmore will know what to do.”