Page 99 of Burning Embers
After all, reality isn’t making a lick of sense. Maybe my dreams will provide some clarity.
“We want you to stay the night for observation. There’s a good chance that you may have a concussion.” The doctor—an older lady with brown and gray hair, compassionate green eyes, and a haggard face—flips through the chart she has on me. Her lips compress in a taut line when she finally glances up. “This could’ve been a lot worse, Isabella. You got lucky.”
Hale’s hand tightens around mine. “Thank you, Doctor. Anything else we should know?”
Doctor Brenda, as she introduced herself as, offers him a feeble smile. “If she does have a concussion, we’re going to ask that Isabella refrain from doing any physical activities for a few days. But besides that, no. She seems to be in good health, considering the circumstances.”
Hale walks the doctor out of the room and then returns a second later. Dark shadows underscore each of his eyes and draw attention to the wrinkles on his face, making him look years older. He hasn’t left my side since I was admitted to the hospital a few hours earlier.
The doctors were initially worried when I fell unconscious, believing I had a brain bleed. But after an MRI, they determined that I probably just have a mild concussion. They also took X-rays of my right arm and leg, where most of my bruising resides. But both of those came back clear.
I, miraculously, am okay.
The question is…howam I okay?
I feel like I’m losing my mind. I’ve been given five random puzzle pieces and have no idea how they fit together. No matter what I do, the picture isn’t clear.
“How are you feeling, kid?” Hale’s voice is tight with concern as he moves to reclaim his chair beside my hospital bed.
I try for a smile. “Like I’ve been tackled by a two-hundred-pound football player.”
My foster dad winces. “Yeah…not your finest moment. If you wanted to join the football team, you could’ve just asked.”
I snort before I can stop myself. “Do you think they’ll put me in the starting lineup?”
“Most definitely.” He lowers his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “The school board will be too afraid that you’ll sue if they don’t.”
I actually laugh out loud at that before immediately sobering. I begin to pick at a thread on my blanket, twirling it around my finger. “So…what happened, exactly?”
Hale heaves out a tired sigh and relaxes back in his chair. “What do you remember?”
I think back, trying to ignore the sudden throbbing in my head, like my brain is being stabbed by a thousand flaming needles. “Ummm…well, I remember a big football player running at me. And then…” Pain. Lots of pain. Only, I must’ve imagined that, because I seem to be in relatively good condition. “Everything after that is a blur.”
Hale nods like my answer is what he expected, though I detect the slightest tightening of the skin around his eyes.
“The doctor was right. You got very lucky it wasn’t more serious.” He blows out a breath, his entire chest seeming to cave in with the motion, and then scratches at the stubble lining his jawline. “Scared the living daylights out of me. I swear my hair turned gray.”
“Don’t blame me for that,” I say with a scoff. “It was already gray when I met you.”
He half-heartedly swats at my thigh. “Brat,” he teases affectionately. Then he frowns. “Gerry should be coming home soon. I called him after the incident, and he told me he’s on his way.”
Something akin to unease skitters across my skin. I’ve grown used to the makeshift family I created with Hale, Lissa, Jake, and even Seth. A part of me is terrified of adding a new face to the mix. What will Gerry think of me? Is he pissed that I pulled him away from work?
What does he even do for a living? I know he travels a lot, hence why I haven’t met him, but Hale has never gone into specifics.
I debate asking but quickly decide now isn’t the time. My brain is too focused on everything that transpired during the football game.
Ansel, with his shimmering hands.
Emery’s distorted face.
Ashton being dragged away by my substitute teacher and vice principal.
Grayson sitting in the bleachers with his new girlfriend.