Page 137 of Roaring Flames
Since Izzy.
I used to dread going to these events on the off chance I would run into her, but I didn’t even think about seeing her today when I invited Izzy.
“Christian.” Lacey offers me a tentative smile.
Objectively, I can admit that even now, years later, she’s still beautiful. But she doesn’t make my heart race the way she once did, doesn’t cause my hands to sweat, doesn’t make me tongue-tied or weak in the knees.
“Hello, Lacey.” I try to look over her shoulder for Izzy, but I can’t see her any longer.
An uneasy feeling spirals through me, and I move to step around Lacey, but she blocks me.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in so long,” she says with a chuckle. Red paints her cheeks as she ducks her head. “I’ve… I’ve missed you.”
I finally lower my attention back to the tiny wolf shifter.
I used to love the way shestares at me—like I’m the only man in the world that she’ll ever love—but now I only feel uncomfortable.
It isn’t just because of the mate bond. We have free will for a reason, and if I truly loved Lacey, I would be able to be with her, regardless of my connection with Izzy.
But I’ve changed in my years away. Fundamentally. Irreparably. The Christian who once lived in this town was bright-eyed and innocent. He believed that he would find a pack and live happily ever after with his mate. Hell, a part of him even believed thathis pack would consist of Ashton, Emery, Ethan, and Reid. They had been his best friends growing up.
But the new Christian no longer has rose-tinted glasses on. He sees everything with unnerving clarity.
Lacey isn’t right for me. I truly believe I loved her at one point, but the love inside of me has changed. I wouldn’t say it’s bitter or jaded, but it doesn’t feel like it once did. I have walls around me now, and only one person has ever managed to break through them.
“Lacey…” I begin carefully.
Movement next to me captures my attention, and I snap out an arm, capturing Izzy around the waist before she can escape. She blinks at me in confusion, one hand holding a plate full of ribs while the other shovels the meat into her mouth. A little bit of sauce stains the corner of her full pink lips.
I can’t help but smirk. “What happened to getting a drink?”
She shrugs. “A creepy man told me to try the ribs.”
I frown. “A creepy man?”
“Yes. He was smiling weirdly.”
“And you just…took the ribs?” I can’t believe this girl.
She lifts her shoulders again. “Don’t judge. I was hungry. And they looked delicious.” Turning, she focuses on a perplexed-looking Lacey in front of me. “Who’s this?”
She doesn’t sound upset or even jealous, and I realize it’s because she trusts me. A warm feeling bubbles in my chest at the prospect.
“Izzy, this is my ex-girlfriend Lacey. Lacey, this is my mate, Izzy.” I can’t help the masculine pride thatseepsinto my tone when I use the word “mate.”
Both girls blink at each other.
“Mate?” Lacey whispers brokenly.
Izzy slowly rips off another chunk of meat with her teeth, not responding.
“Lacey, I’m sorry—” I begin, but she holds up a hand, stopping me.
“You don’t have any reason to apologize, Chris. It’s… It’s wonderful that you found your mate.” She offers me a wry smile that doesn’t reach her eyes before turning towards Izzy. “It was lovely to meet you. Now if you’ll excuse me…”
Without another word, she spins on her heel and takes off into the crowd.
Izzy waits until she’s sure Lacey’s out of earshot before saying, “I didn’t know you had an ex-girlfriend.”