Page 166 of Roaring Flames
When I finally stop spinning, I find myself staring up at the sky, a golden seam across my vision, the sun having just begun to disappear behind the horizon.
“We’ve been looking for you,” an accented voice croons from above me.
He places a booted foot on my stomach, keeping me in place.
I remain stubbornly silent as I glare up at him.
The man reaches for the wrapping on his head and tugs it off, a wide smile on his face.
I don’t recognize him whatsoever, but I do note the glowing red eyes.
“You’re a…vampire,” I whisper, stunned.
“You can call me Vlad.” The man bows at the waist, a lock of dark hair falling forward.
I can’t help but think that he certainly looks like a vampire…and like a Vlad. How stereotypical of a name. His parents must have hated him.
“This all could’ve been avoided if you had just been a good girl and come when I asked you to.” He tsks his tongue in mock disapproval.
“So you’re working with shifters now, huh? To kill other shifters?”
I can’t wrap my head around that. From what I heard, shifters and vampires were—while not necessarily friendly—on cordial terms.
Vlad’s grin grows, revealing razor-sharp fangs.
I wonder why I never saw Grayson’s fangs before. Is it because he doesn’t drink blood?
Focus, Izzy!I mentally chastise myself. I need to figure out how to get the fuck out of this.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Vlad smiles conspiratorially and cups a hand around his mouth. “This entire operation is bigger than you can even begin to wrap your pretty little head around.”
I scrunch my brows together. “What do you mean?”
“Who do you think the wolves will find when they peel off the masks of their attackers?” He taps his long, dirty fingers against his legs.
I glare at him. “I don’t understand.”
“Did you know that if a vampire doesn’t feed for long enough, they can pass as human?” he asks with feigned casualness.
He applies a tiny bit more pressure on my stomach, and a wheezing breath escapes me.
“Some of our best warriors volunteered to do that,” he continues. “It took over six months, but by looking at them, you would never suspect that they were anything other than human.”
Horror sluices in my veins like battery acid.
“Kain was there,” I point out. “He’s a shifter. He’s…”
Vlad’s smirk grows. “Ahhh. Yes. Young Kain. He was quite easy to capture, was he not?”
I narrow my eyes. “Of course he was. He’s a little bitch who wouldn’t know a clitoris from a nose.”
Vlad throws his head back in laughter, which causes his foot to dig in even deeper. I wince at the pain.
“I like you, Isabella.” He wipes away imaginary tears with his pointer finger. “But you’re also so incredibly naïve. Did you truly think I wouldn’t notice you take Kain out? Grab the children? How stupid do you think I am?”
He leans forward until his rancid breath permeates the air around me, causing me to gag. “Everything that happened, happened because I orchestrated it. IwantedKain to be taken. Iwantedthe kids to be set free. I wanted the shifters to attack the men who came with me.” His smile causes glacial fear to trickle down my spine. “It’s all part of his plan.”
“Who are you talking about?” I whisper.