Page 5 of Roaring Flames
Now that I’m not ogling her like some fucking pervert, I notice the tension radiating off of her in almost palpable waves. A furrow lines her brow, and her tiny hands are balled into fists. Her gaze—usually warm and slightly teasing—is hard. Stony. Angry.
“I’m surprised to see you back,” I say, keeping my voice casual despite my turbulent emotions.
I gently shut the door and flick the lock. I don’t want to risk anyone overhearing this conversation.
“I have questions. You have answers. Seemed like a no-brainer to me.” She shrugs a single shoulder as she whirls to face me. “So talk.”
My lips twitch instinctively. “You didn’t ask any questions.”
I know I’m being a smart-ass, but I can’t help it. This girl gets under my skin, a splinter that can’t be plucked out or sanded away.
Izzy makes a strange noise that would make most wolves proud—a combination between a growl, a snarl, and a whine. Her hard, angry eyes remain fixed on my face.
“You want a question?” Each word is slow and succinct. “Fine. Which questions should I ask?”
Ah. Smart girl.
Smart and beautiful,a voice remarks in my head.
And a student,I rebuke.And, more importantly, human.
I fold my arms over my chest and lean against the door. “You should ask what I am. What my brother is. What his friends are.” I pause, considering, before adding, “Whatyouare.”
“Fine.” She throws her arms up in the air. “What are you guys? What am I?”
“You’re human.” A fact that flays me open. “We’re not.”
She bares her teeth at me. “Then what are you?”
“You guys call us werewolves, but that’s not an accurate description. Not really.”
No one knows how the legends of werewolves began. Some theorize that years ago, a human stumbled across a group of us shifting and concocted that ridiculous story. Others claim that one of the other supernatural species started the rumor as a way to confuse the humans.
“We can shift whenever we want, not just during the full moon. Silver doesn’t harm us. We don’t need to eat human flesh or anything like that to survive. Oh. And we don’t imprint on babies.”
Self-satisfaction courses through me when Izzy’s lips twitch upwards for a fraction of a second. I’ve never actually watched theTwilightmovies or read the books, but you would have to be an idiot or living under a rock not to know the entire plotline from beginning to end. And I know Isabella hates being compared to the protagonist of that story.
Ironic, considering she’s surrounded by supernaturals.
“So werewolves are real?” Her voice is a breathy murmur.
“Shifters, yes.” I push away from the wall and move towards my desk.
She pivots on her heel to keep her eyes on me the entire time, enveloping me in warmth.
“There are other animal shifters out there, but the majority of them are wolves.”
“Why is that?” For a moment, her anger subsides, replaced by curiosity.
“I can’t say for sure, though there are theories.” I recline slightly in my chair and place my folded hands on my stomach.
Her gaze drops for a fraction of a second, resting on my toned abs beneath my shirt, before she swallows and focuses once more on my face.
“And those theories are?” She infuses her voice with just the right amount of sass to make me want to spank her ass.
No,I mentally berate myself, frowning.Fuck.