Page 99 of Roaring Flames
The large brick building is nestled between a Go-Cart track and a mini golf course. A banner above the door announces an all-you-can-eat pizza buffet.
“I kind of want Ethan to finish that sentence,” I say as Emery pulls the car into a parking space near the front.
Unsurprisingly, it’s not crowded. Most of its clientele are still in school.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” Emery warns his twin.
“Emery may act like a huge player and flirt, but he?—”
“Ethan, I swear to god.”
“He never had a girlfriend before.” This comes from Ansel beside me.
All three of us turn to stare at him, and he shrugs innocently.
“What? I hear things. The girls at school always complain that the Magnetic Four never give them the time of day.”
Emery’s nose wrinkles. “The Magnetic Four?”
“Wait.” My brain short-circuits. “You never had a girlfriend? Neither of you?”
Ethan, I can see. He’s sexy as sin but always blushes a beetroot red when he’s around me…or any girl, for that matter. He prefers to spend his nights playing video games instead of partying.
But Emery? The man practically exudes sex. His tattoos, combined with his piercings and spiked hair, give him a bad-boy edge. He flirts like it’s an Olympic Sport and he’s gunning for the gold medal.
And it’s not just with me—though I’ll be the first to admit that he’s only been flirting with me as of late. According to some of my friends, he used to flirt with everyone who had a pulse.
Tattoos? Check.
Sexy grin? Check.
Piercings? Check.
He’s the unholy trinity of dark, sexy, and dangerous.
“Let’s play some arcades!” Emery says with feigned cheer, slipping out of the car.
I exchange a “what the fuck” glance with Ansel before following him out.
“Wait. Wait. Wait. I want to hear more about this,” I say, hurrying to catch up with the twins. “How is it possible that neither of you has had a girlfriend? Did you just have casual flings, then?”
Emery ignores me entirely and rubs his hands together. “I love me some arcades.”
“Dude.” I give him a look. “Stop saying the word arcades. I feel like you’re using it as a verb, a noun, and an adjective. It’s getting weird. Now answer the question.”
Emery slings an arm over my shoulders and pulls me into his side.
Surprising even myself, I don’t attempt to pull away.
“You’re nosey.”
Ansel chuckles from somewhere behind me.
Ethan moves to my other side and flashes me a sheepish smile. “Look, men like…us…”
He fumbles over his words, and I know it’s because he can’t give away too much with Ansel around. I nod to tell him I understand, and he continues.