Page 4 of Captivated
She’s the best I’ve ever had. No competition. No comparison.
Three days with her wasn’t enough. I agreed to her terms of no-strings-attached fun for a weekend while I was visiting my brother in January, thinking I’d have no problem going back to New York and back to reality. But Cassandra fucking Connelly has snuck into my thoughts every chance she could.
Time hasn’t lessened her presence in my mind. It’s been over a month and I can still hear her soft moans and mewls for more when I close my eyes at night from when I woke her in the early morning with my tongue sliding through her pussy. But it’s not even just my waking thoughts. She haunts my fucking dreams, too, and I wake up with my hand around my cock, aching for her.
Jesus, Nico, get a fucking grip.
She’s busy with school. Plus, I doubt she’s as delusional as I am and stuck on me like I am her.
I reach for the bottle of water in front of me and gulp down half of it, trying to calm the fire in me before I go fucking crazy.
Yeah, too fucking late.
“If no one has anything else they want to discuss?” Leo asks, letting his words hang in the air for a few seconds before nodding and pushing his chair away from the table.
Thank fucking God.
We moved our monthly meeting to Atlantic City this month instead of holding it in our Manhattan office like usual. With Tessa being pregnant, Alec can’t be away from her for even a day. We learned that the hard way last month when he found out she wasn’t feeling well during our meeting and went off on us for being so far from her when she needed him.
Alec before Tessa was an asshole. Alec after Tessa was a tolerable asshole. But Alec with a pregnant Tessa? He’s a crazy motherfucker who’s taken his overprotective ass to a new level of crazy. Which is why this month, we’re meeting in Atlantic City at our family’s casino, The Aces, so that he’s close to Tessa if she needs him.
Being here is fucking with my head, though.
I met Cassandra in our club, Royals, here at The Aces.
I told myself to stay away from her. Nothing good can come to her life with me in it aside from amazing fucking sex, and I’m not fucking up the good shit she has going for her by asking her for more of anything.
“Vin, you want to grab something to eat?” I ask my brother, which has Saverio and Matteo, our cousins who run our Miami club, turning back as they’re leaving.
“Were you not going to invite us?” Sav asks sarcastically.
“You’re the one walking out the door.”
“Because you’ve had a pissed-off look on your face this entire meeting.”
“And?” I question.
“And I thought that was a sign to tell us all to leave you alone.”
“I’m fine,” I clip.
Sav raises his eyebrows, knowing I’m lying. “Okay.”
Vinny slaps my back and grips my shoulder. “Let’s get some food.”
The four of us, plus Gabriel, Marco, and Stefano, go to dinner while Alec goes back to Tessa, Leo to Abri, and Luca to Angela. I’m surprised Vinny doesn’t say he needs to get home to Lexi, but I’m not going to question it. Mostly because I think his answer would involve pitying me somehow, and I don’t want his fucking pity.
Vinny had a front row seat to Cassie and I meeting. It was the night he met Lexi, too. I never told him I spent the weekend with Cassie, but I’m sure Lexi told him. He knew she was something to me when he asked me for her number when Lexi was in trouble, but he knows better than to ask me about her or I’ll kick his ass.
I didn’t understand the instant obsession and need my cousins had when they met their women, but I do now. Cassandra fucking Connelly has had me captivated from the moment she locked eyes with me and told me to dance with her. There was absolutely no hesitation on my part. I pulled her close and let her rock her sexy ass against me, driving me so wild, I was about ready to drag her to a dark corner and slide my hand up under her short little dress to see if she was as affected as I was.
I found out just how much she was later that night.
And all weekend.
She’s beautiful, confident, sexy, freaky, and got under my skin unlike any woman I’ve ever met or been with.
I shake my head and free myself from the vivid memories that still haunt me, and try and stay present at dinner.