Page 63 of Captivated
She’s a good fucking actress if she can be with me and make me believe she’s finally going to be all in with me while knowing she’s about to go take her clothes off for other men the second she can get away from me.
She said she’s overlooked me being a killer, but I don’t even know how those two things compare. I’ve killed those who’ve deserved it. Men who have brought nothing but evil into the world since they took their first breath. I did the world a few favors ridding it of them. Cassie could ask me about them and I would tell her the same.
I shove all my shit into my bags and get the fuck out of the room. I see her everywhere in here, and there’s no way I’m getting any sleep in the bed that still has her scent clinging to the sheets.
I ride the elevator down to the ground floor and switch to another, private one, that will give me access to our family’s level in the parking garage. I have to punch in a special code, give my fingerprint, and have my retina scanned for it to descend.
I need a fast car tonight, so I take the keys to one of the Ferraris from the lockbox on the wall beside the elevator.
The sound of the engine drowns out my screaming thoughts for the moment, and I open her up once I get onto the highway.
But the farther I get from Cassie, the worse I feel. Probably because I’m leaving behind the one person I wish was in the passenger seat beside me.
~ Chapter 23 ~
I don’t cry over boys.
I don’t cry over boys.
I repeat the mantra to myself despite the fact that I’m crying because I let a man make me doubt myself.
What Nico texted…
How did he know where I was tonight?
And to just attack me like that?
I don’t want to be made to feel like I’m doing something wrong for doing whatever is necessary to keep my brother alive.
Am I glad Nico overstepped his place by gifting me a car and refused to take no for an answer when I said I didn’t want it? Yes. But he needs to know I was never going to ask him for money.
Do I want to be dancing for cash? No. But I’m going to do it because I’m good at it and I know I’ll be walking out the doors with more money than any ‘regular’ job I could’ve gotten.
And how dare he assume I’m getting naked and letting men shove bills in my ass crack.
I haven’t gotten naked at all yet, but now I want to just to spite him.
I toss and turn for the rest of the night, only managing to doze off for a few minutes before my alarm wakes me.
Groaning in protest, I drag myself out of bed and get ready. I go with a comfortable outfit of yoga pants and an oversized crewneck sweatshirt. I’m sure as hell not dressing up for them, and I’m not going to show any skin for them to look at or get any ideas with either.
I knock on Sean’s door. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah, one second,” he calls back, then opens the door. “Are you still sure you want to come?”
“I already ordered our ride. It’ll be here in five minutes.” I don’t bother answering his question. I just turn and head downstairs.
I counted all the cash I made at the clubs, plus what little I could spare from my accounts, and I only have an additional $3,000 to offer on top of the $85,000 I got from selling the Range Rover.
It’s a lot, but it’s not $100,000.
I know I wouldn’t have anything if it wasn’t for Nico, but he chose to come at me swinging and be an asshole before I could finish all this, tell him everything, and thank him for his gift.
Now, I’m not doing any of that.
* * * *