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“Shit,” Abri says, rushing forward. “Get her to the couch,” she urges.
“I’ll get her a glass of water,” I hear someone say, while a hand rubs circles on my back.
“Focus on your breathing,” Angela says slowly in a calm and soothing voice. “In and out. Feel the air around you and let it fill your lungs, expanding them. In and out.”
I look at one of the lilies in my bouquet on the table and focus on the delicate petals. Beautiful. Soft.
I stare at it as I focus on my breathing, and after a while, the short breaths plaguing me start to draw out longer and longer.
“That’s it,” she says. “Good job, Mia. Just breathe.”
I blink out of my daze and look around at all the worried gazes. “I’m okay,” I assure them. “Just having a minor freak out. As to be expected, right?”
“Of course it is!” Gia says, throwing her hands up. “You don’t want to marry this jerk, so of course you’re going to have a panic attack on your wedding day.”
“Gia,” Abri admonishes. “That’s not helpful.”
She rolls her eyes. “Well, it had to be said.”
“No, it didn’t. We agreed we were going to focus on Mia and making her feel beautiful and special today, and that’s all.”
“Right.” Gia nods. “But Mia also appreciates honesty.”
“I do,” I whisper. “But I’d like to pretend to be happy.”
My backbone is returning by the second, and I feel my defiance and resolve harden into a shell around me to protect me from the stupidly sexy Santino and his belief that he has the power to turn me into a puddle of emotions and hormones that can’t control herself. I never told anyone, not even Aria or Gia, that Santino was the one in the club that night.
“I’m going to make Santino regret he chose me,” I tell them. “I’m going to taunt and tease him and then never give him what he thinks he’s going to get from me. The bastard.”
“That’s the spirit!” Cassie shouts, clapping her hands. “Make him suffer for a while. Or forever. Your choice.”
“You may grow to like him,” Katarina offers. “I thought I’d hate him, and I did at first, but that was because I wanted Dante, not Santino. Then Santino surprised me and helped me when I needed someone. He’s not a bad guy. And you have to admit, he’s objectively handsome.”
“Yes, he is. But being handsome doesn’t mean he gets a free pass on forcing my hand in marriage.”
“Of course not,” Katarina agrees.
“But being attracted to him can be a good thing,” Lexi offers. “Fuck him senseless. And if you do it while angry at him”–she shrugs–“even better. It’ll make it that much hotter. I was so pissed at Vinny when we first met, and, well…” She smirks. “It was good when I finally gave in.”
“Okay, gross, I don’t need to hear about my brother’s sex life.”
“Right,” she says on a small laugh, like she forgot I was his sister.
“None of us can know what it’s like to be in your shoes right now,” Cassie says. “But we’re all women, and we all have needs. None of us would, or will, judge you for any choices you make in your marriage. That coverseverything, okay?”
I hold her gaze and see she’s completely sincere in her words, and I appreciate them more than she can know.
My nod comes slow, but her smile is instant when I do, and she radiates this all-consuming, all-knowing, older sister vibe that warms my heart.
“Now, let’s get you looking so irresistible, Santino won’t know what hit him.” She winks. “He’ll fall to his knees, thanking the big man upstairs that you’re his wife.”
I can’t help the giggle that bubbles out of me. Santino on his knees for me? Yeah, I’d love to see that. Especially when hethinks it’s going to be me who’ll be on my knees, begging him for his cock like it’s made of gold and he’s God’s gift to women.
Not happening.
I think it’ll be him on his knees, begging for another taste of me.