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I suck in a sharp breath. “What the hell does that mean? He wants me? He saidmespecifically?” I point to my chest.
“Yes.” Nico scrubs his hands down his face, clearly not liking that he had to admit that.
My eyes widen. “Why?”
“He saw you at my wedding,” Leo tells me, “and he wants you as part of the deal or there’s no deal.”
I really don’t know how I should take that…
Flattered or weirded out?
He saw me six months ago and decided he wants me for life? Who the hell is this guy? He has to be certifiable. And why is he so desperate for a wife? Can’t he find one on his own?
Wait, of course he can’t, because then she wouldn’t be a Carfano and wouldn’t give him the power I’m assuming he’s after by linking himself to my family.
“Why do I have to do this? You can’t negotiate without me?”
“The family needs you to do this.Ineed you to do this,” Leo emphasizes.
“Why?” I ask again. “You ask me here to tell me I’ll be marrying a complete stranger because he decided he wants me, and I’m supposed to just accept that?”
I’ve been the ‘good girl’ my entire life. I’ve always done what my parents asked of me, and after my father was killed, I did what my brothers asked of me. My family is everything to me, but this is fucking crazy. I thought it was crazy when they tried to pawn Katarina off on this guy, but I bit my tongue on the matter because it ended up working out as it was supposed to – with her and Dante together.
But now? Me? I’m supposed to fall on the sword for my family so they can get richer and control me even more?
“Yes, you are,” Leo tells me, both of our frustrations growing the longer this is drawn out.
“That’s not an answer, Leo.”
“The family needs you, Mia,” Nico says. “We’re in trouble and need Santino’s help. The only way he’ll provide that help is if he’s tied to our family so we won’t think of screwing him over in the deal.”
“And I’m that tie,” I say quietly, finishing his thought.
“Why do you need his help? Aren’t you Leo Carfano? You can’t get what you need without him?”
Leo’s jaw ticks, his frustrations hanging by a thread. “Someone is trying to bring us down, Mia,” he finally admits. “We’re being targeted, and we need you to step up and do this for the family. Don’t think that me, or your brothers, wanted to ask this of you, but here we are. We need you. I can promise you that this isn’t easy for me, and I can promise you that as a Carfano, you’re the one who will hold all the power in the relationship.”
“What kind of relationship will there be if it’s one-sided and forced?”
“Whatever kind you tell him it will be. You’re not forced to do anything with him, Mia. I’ll make that fucking clear to him. He messes up, and he’s dead. No questions. No explanations. No second chances. I promise you that. Fuck any deal we make if he tries any shit with you, okay?”
I swallow the lump of emotions crawling their way up my throat and look over at my brothers. I can see the mix of regret and need for me to agree in their eyes, pleading with me to understand and do this for them.
I’ve always done what was asked of me. I’ve always tried to remain in the background so I didn’t rock the boat or get in the way of anyone. Growing up, I knew that my father was, and brothers are, important to the family. More so than myself. But now I’m needed, and as Leo said, it’s on my terms. Which means I can make whatever rules I want in the marriage. I’ll have to find a way to take control from the beginning, because I already know I have to do this for my family. I can’t disappoint them. It’s not in me to walk away and leave my loved ones in trouble. If I can help, I’m going to, and they know it.
Taking a deep breath, I straighten my spine and look each of them in the eyes before finally agreeing. “Fine.”
Leo sits back in his chair and rubs his jaw. “Thank you, Mia.”
“When will this happen?”
“Soon. You’ll meet him Friday.”
“Will it be in front of all of you?” I ask, not holding back my dismay.