Page 57 of Gracefully Yours
“I still can’t believe you’d never been skiing before, Char,” Angelina added.
“Honestly, I’m kind of glad I got to do it this way. With all of my favorite people at my side.” I smiled at the rest of the girls, and Noelle reached over, squeezing my leg.
“Is everyone excited about tonight?” Gabbi asked, and I couldn’t help my surprise.
“What’s tonight?”
Three dumbfounded stares looked back at me. “Charlotte, you’re getting married in like two weeks. We’re celebrating, of course!”
“No, no, no. I didn’t want a bachelorette party for a reason,” I groaned. I’d practically refused when Noelle had offered after I’d asked her to be my maid of honor.
Unfortunately, my Bridal Shower was another story, one I couldn’t get out of, but that was a problem I’d deal with later—when I got home.
I could only imagine how embarrassing it would be for me. The parties I’d seen with dick-shaped cakes and strippers?That wasn’t my scene. I didn’t need any of that.
“It will not be like that, we promise,” Angelina said.
“Plus, you saw what a great bach party I planned last summer!” Gabbi chimed in. I had to relent—she had me there. It had been nice. Classy. A few nights together in a rented house in Napa, California, and mostly, we’d all just drunk a lot of wine. I’d shared a room with Gabbi, except for the night she’d never come back to our room. I later found out she had been in Hunter’s bed. “Nothing to worry about, I swear.”
I tried to ease the pout from my face. “Fine.But I’m not wearing a sash.”
Something passed between their faces, but they all agreed. “No sash. What about a crown?”
I groaned again. This was going to be one long weekend.
* * *
“Bottoms up!”They cheered, watching me throw back another shot.
Here’s the thing: I knew my body. I knew exactly how much alcohol I could have before I got a littletoodrunk. And too-drunk-Charlotte liked to dance on top of tables and was absolutely way too giggly. Luckily, I wasn’t the kind to make out with random guys, but also, my weakness washere.
Because the girls had planned a bar night to celebrate Daniel and I’s impending nuptials, and we were all crowded into a booth at a bar in Downtown Bend.
“Anyone want food?”
“Pizza,” I groaned, my head practically hitting the table. “I need pizza.” Anything to soak up all the alcohol I’d drank. “And maybe a pretzel. With cheese dip, please.”
Something that would stop me from looking at my best friend at my side through a completely new lens.
“You okay?” Daniel whispered in my ear when they’d all left to order food.
I nodded. “Don’t let me drink anything else.” I rubbed at my temples. “I don’t want you to have to deal with me all drunk tonight.”
He brushed a hair back behind my ear. “I don’t mind taking care of you, you know.”
“Skiing plus a hangover seems like a terrible combination,” I said, instead, trying to avoid his stare. At how he was looking at me with so much emotion in those brown eyes that I loved so much. The ones that had captivated me from the very first day I met him. There was so much sadness clouded in those eyes, and I wondered if anyone had ever taken care of him?
I wanted to. I wanted to be that person for him.
“And I haven’t been sick in ages, so I don’t want to start now.” I scrunched up my nose.
He chuckled. “Yeah. Maybe you’re right.” Daniel’s arm came around me, tugging me closer. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate with your friends. If you want.”
Kissing the side of his cheek, I mumbled a quick, “Thank you.” If only he knew how much I appreciated it. How much I appreciated him. Ever since college, he’d always taken care of me. He provided me with food, walked me back to my dorm late at night, and was always there to study with me in the library.
Our friendship had just naturally fallen into place, and I guess this fake relationship had too. It wasn’t weird when he touched me like this, when I leaned on his body for support.
“I’m gonna go dance,” I said, my eyes tracking over the rest of the girls on the floor. “Want to come?”