Page 14 of Gary
They both lapsed into a comfortable silence, each involved in his own memories.
“Hi.” Gary felt his heart hammering as he approached the counter. Her hair was brushed back from her face and secured in one thick braid that rested on her left breast, covered by a bright red sweater that brought attention to her generous bosom.
Deliberately keeping his eyes away from that area of her anatomy, he concentrated on the exquisite face. “I am back.”
“So, I see.”
He somehow got the impression that she was laughing at him, and he couldn’t blame her. He sounded like a buffoon.
“What can I get you?”
He had stood out in the parking lot, staring at the shop for so long that a few drivers had started to show curious looks. But he had waited until the customers inside had left. “The usual.”
“Which would be black coffee and? What kind of muffin?”
He spared a cursory glance at the display case and picked one. “Uhm, blueberry.”
“To stay or to go?”
“To stay.”
“Coming right up. What do you read?”
She nodded to the bookshelves. “You are not into romance, that much I realize. So, what’s your genre?”
“Action, news, sports, anything to do with history.”
“Around the corner. You just might see something you like. I have to heat this up.” She held up the muffin before turning towards the microwave.
Not wanting to appear awkward, he went around the corner and started browsing. Choosing a John Grisham, which he was certain he already owned, he went back to the table just as she brought his meal.
“I see you found something.”
“I am a fan.” He also did not tell her he had met the author. “Why don’t you join me?”
“I am sure you are due for a break.”
“Why not?” Moving back around the counter, she prepared an iced latte and brought it to the table. He was immensely happy that the table was small enough to have their knees brushing.
“So, what have you been up to sine I saw you last?”
“You mean since you saw me yesterday?” Her amusement was evident and had him laughing ruefully.
“Precisely what I meant. Spill.”
“Well, after you left, it was very busy until closing.”
“You close the place at eight.”
She nodded, taking a long sip of her iced latte and bringing his attention to her lips. She had on a kind of shimmery raspberry colored lip gloss that highlighted the shape of her mouth and sent heat flooding through his body. This was getting ridiculous!